Does anyone know what living in a portacabin feels like?

Hi friends,
I am being recruited by MIDMAC Contracting WLL as a company doctor and the deal is I'll have to spend a year onsite in a labour camp, living in a portacabin with "all amenities"
I've got 2 questions.
Firstly, can someone give me an idea of what to expect in a Midmac labour camp...??? stuff like living conditions,mess, food etc.
Secondly, I would be interested to hear from someone who has actually lived in a portacabin.. how does the bathroom work?
Is there a shower / toilet inside the portacabin or do you have to go to another cabin for the daily ablutions...
Please advise as I am a bit confused about this portacabin thing.. as have never come across one.
thanks and happy new year
By seeing your mail, I personally advise that don't accept this offer, it's going to spoil your personal life, we have two sides of coins one is professional and the second is personal, we cannot sacrifice our personal life by compromising living in porta cabins. If tomorrow you want to bring your family what will be the situation, think over it before taking such decisions.
Dear Abhi,
Midmac is a very good company. But life in a Porta Cabin is not advisable. Porta Cabins are made up of MDF Woods, which is used for site accommodation and shifted on trailers from palace to place after completion of each projects. Toilet will be attached to this separately, which is emptied and cleaned on a daily basis. Now regarding your salary; its a pretty low offer. The min. Salary required for a family visa is QR. 7000 and ur just above that. You will never be able to survive with ur salary on a family status here. 2 bed flat will cost something between 4,500 - 6,000. So just calculate the additional expenses apart from house rent and take a decision. Abu Nakhla is not far from Doha. Hardly 15 - 20 min drive. So its better to ask for a flat in Doha itself instead of staying in a Porta Cabin.
yes they do have toilets. there are all kind of portacabins available, sometimes the cabins used for accomodation are separate from the ablution unit due to large number of labours.
in camps, normally what they do is this that they keep portacabin which has toilets little far from portacabins used for accomodation.
any further questions ?
Does a portacabin have a built in bathroom/toilet ?
the other name of portacabin is a CAGE.