Does anyone know the meaning of this text message??

By neiljtoomey •
Hi all, I'd appreciated some help. I received a text message from'qtelDMD1.7' saying "Due to non-settlement of your debts. We regret to inform you that it has been decided to transfer your case to Legal Action for raising the issue to the courts. TO AVOID THE COURT CASE Debts Recovery Qtel alsaad"
That's word for word what it say but I've no idea what it means because I don't have outstanding bills with qtel. I'm thinking maybe it's a scam. Has anyone else received a text like this??
Translator seems right, It is possible to have someone with the same name and while searching their records they got the details of OP and they sent and sms. Better call Qtel and check.
Maybe you won the new Iphone 4s from them.... worth checking out if you are sure of no debt...
Whats the old saying....? Doesn't hurt or cost anything to check....
I would not ignore, go and find out. It is possible that someone have a Qtel acct in your name.
it summer surprise...
Who would ignore the Debts and go to court case? no harm in checking it with Qtel.
yes you have to verify this on Qtel office,
do not ignore it. Check it out to Qtel office just to make sure. Hope it's really a joke.