does any one uses a washing machine with a dryer?

We are looking for a washing machine with a built in dryer, as due to lack to space for hanging clothes to dry, and also there is no balcony or outside place, where the clothes can be put for drying.
Currently, our machine is LG , front end , which has a so called dryer option, but first it drys only 30% - 50% of the cloth, and secondly it takes upto 4 hours to complete the dry cycle, which is insane.
Please advise /recommend which maching washine is good with a complete dryer option.
i'm using that kind of washing machine , the brand name is frigidaire an american brand..topload with dryer on the top,,but i forgot where we bought it,it dries quickly depends how dry you like because there is a timer,
Thanks all:
ANy other suggestions!!!
Is it a front load or a top load machine? We been to carrefour. Lulu and lG , but cant find mahcine of this type. All are top load with a separate spinner option.
there are washing machine with a dryer attached on top of it. check any of the shopping mall here.
you don't need to hang your clothes anymore after it dries up unlike any washing with just a spin dry only and needs hanging afterwards.
Do we get washing machine with complete dryer option???well that would be really helpful for me as well..I have HITACHI at home and it dries our clothes properly..But still we need to hang our clothes on CLOTH HANGER to allow free air to pass it on..