Cost of Living in Doha Qatar

Im Fendy from Malaysia. I am looking for any IT opportunity in Qatar. I have 8 years.
Can anybody share with me the average cost of living in Qatar base on the following format:
Items Single Couple Couple & 2 kids
Housing (1)
Food (2)
Utilities (3)
Leisure (4)
Own Transport (5)
Insurance (6)
Clothing (7)
I just wanna be sure how much earning (per month in USD) is enough for us to live decently in Qatar. We really appreciate if any of you can assist us on this. Thank you.
This topic has been discussed several times on QL. You should search before asking about.
we spend about QR2K for food in a month. but lunch is subsidised by the company and we dine out about once or twice a week.
for clothing, we usually buy when there is a sale, if not time balik cuti, beli banyak2 kat msia, baju kat sini mahal sbb banyak yg branded.
hope it helps.
This can give you an idea of the Cost of living.
Housing would be around 5000-7000QR
Electricity and water would be around QR150-300
Transport will depend on the vehicle you purchase. You will need your own transport. So you will have to hire or buy a vehicle.