Cleaning grout on tiled floors?
By lynneplummer@ho... •
Does anyone know if there is a machine at all i could hire to clean grouting.
The floors are mopped everyday but the grout seems dirty. Whats the best way to get grout clean? Any suggestions??
I think the problem may lie with the initial application of the grout. I suspect, at least where I live, the grout was never sealed. If that's the case, no matter what you do, you may never be able to get it looking clean, again. I know of several areas in my villa where the installers never even wiped the grout residue clean, so my tile always has a hazy look to it in some areas. Truthfully, the workmanship with the tiling and grouting leaves much to be desired. One thing that I did do was add bleach to my bucket of water and soap and basically just dumped it across the kitchen floor. That did seem to make the floor look a little better. I was able to do that because of the drain in the kitchen floor. Of course, somebody else my have a better answer, and I'm certainly open to ideas as to how to make my floors look better. too!
I have just had my house cleaned; including the tiles by a company called Qatar Cleaning Company. The man in charge is called Jack. They were EXCELLENT and very cheap.
Contact cleaning companies they have these floor cleaning / polishing machine... Check in Yellow pages of Qtel telephone directory for their number.