can anyone answer this? thanks....

By anonymouscreep •
what is the maximum working hours in ramadan? is there any rule regarding that? Is there any punishment for the company for not obeying this rule if ever there is a rule?
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5 hours working hour in ramadan as is it govt. office or company and if u do more then 5 bhrs u will get overtime.
6 hours... remaining hours r considered over-time...
how can we complain?
we are still working beyond the time and even more.. because we are working for more than 9 hours.. and it is calculated as normal working hours..
we cannot complain because all of us were afraid... They will just terminate us if we do.....
and sometimes we think that even if we complain it the labour will not do any appropriate action on that....
why? because we are just laborer..... and this is their country not ours.....
Maximum working hours in ramadan is 6. The hours worked beyond will be calculated as overtime. If your company is not following this, you can complain to labour department.
The law may say one thing, but so many laws in Qatar are openly flouted that I wonder why they even exist...
normal working hours during Ramadan is 6 hours. ANy excess shall be paid for accordingly as overtime.