Blackberry and Email Question
I am a lone ranger engineer working for a multinational based out of Qatar . Our company's email servers are located outside of Qatar . I bought the basic blackberry Internet package(125QR p.m.) . My company set up an account on the enterprise server , but I cannot access the server to activate my account.Called QTEL ,they say I should have the Black Berry Multination user package( 450 reg and 175 p.m.) Any one subscribed to this ? Are you able to get mails on the BB with the enterprise option ?Or will they just let you access the exchange server ? With this 125 QR package that I have now , I cant even access the Outlook mail
If you only have BIS then you can always set up your email as IMAP, that will also work.
you either apply for BES or BIS having BIS you cant access to your BES that if your company is providing you with emails.
Disconnect your BIS from Qtel and stay connected to BES from your company.Blackberry enterprises services will hook you up with internet and email both. while BIS you only get internet and you can set your personal emails on it not company emails.