Are there any qualifications to join the group Filipino Expatriates in Qatar?
By chinnybaby •
I have tried to ask membership from the modulator but he never replied nor approved the request...I was just wondering are there any qualifications or other members should invite you first?
Just a guess, maybe the moderator is outside Qatar, vacationing in Philippines, he/she doesn't have internet connection. name it......
I have requested membership for months then I tried again today but it seems that they don't approve just anyone. I have my other friend applied for membership for months now she never hot approved either.
I just feel sad I really want to belong to a group of people of my own culture and interest. But anyways...all I can do is wait! ;)
Chinny!me too..i requested for membership..i have 80+ points now..but i haven't been approved yet. The moderator might be very busy.. i don't see him posting as well..
So let's just wait. Anyway, we could still post though we are not members yet. Just keep track of the previous thread.. =)
Don't happy!
check the guidelines on their group homepage.
since you're over 50 pts you are welcome just click the request membership and wait for group admin approval.
No qualification far as I can recall.