Application for a part time job
By nreeeen.xjpm •
Hello qtar pips, i was just wondering does any of you wanted to have their baby sitter for their babies or toddlers? Since its our vacation in school, I'm so sick of being bored at home, doing nothing aside from sitting in front of my computer and surfing the net. So my friend and I decided to look for a part time job, and i ended up here in qtar living. We're 14 yrs of age, female. Btw, we're not actually in particular of any job so we can accept any job as long as it provides good salary . hehe. but we assure you. You'll have the best of our services ! :]
birdie, i missed the word LIVING after QATAR..its QATAR LIVING VOLUNTEERS GROUP..I don't know whether they pay for some work or not but heard a lot gud about them..Since these girls r minor,i thought to recommend them to use their vacation for some SOCIAL help..Below is the link for joining if at all any one of u r interested..thnx
soniya,,, what are the actiivities of Qatar Volunteer Group
I never heard
is it a part of QL ? or separate ?
how to contact them ?
14yrs of age and want to do a baby sitting???
I m sorry my friend, i wouldn't have send my baby to un-professionals..
Kindly join QATAR VOLUNTEER GROUP..I am sure ur expertise can work there..thnx..