Anyone of a place where you can fax internationally

By caliafrica •
I need to fax some documents to the US and I have been going all around doha looking for places that allows you to send international fax. Please let if you of anywhere . Please add location of the store if possible. Thanks
I think friend you can send fax from your pc if fax software and internet is available. best of luck
try out in hotels
Most of hotel business centers
in almontaza .. let alshaheen center on ur right hand then drive to the small r/a then go right side just 50m on ur lift theres studio for picturs . they have fax there ..
Dear I think its not a big deal just go to near Family Shopping complex near Maizer R/A.
there is a netcafe nere jarir book stores,try out from there.
from any offices and companies during business hours if they will permit you since no such thing exists outside like other countries charging an external customer for this service and you can scan all document and send it through e-mail as an alternative that can be done by your freinds too.
I had the same problem and I solved it by scanning the document and emailing it.