Anybody heard of a company with the name, ICON INTERNATIONAL?

By blackbeauty107 •
I got a call from them, offering me a job. I actually don't remember submitting application to them. then i googled it, found one website, but once i was on the website, the page does not let you get into any of the links. and when i googled ICON INTERNATIONAL DOHA, there's barely any result.
I just want to makes sure it's a valid company, before i go and meet with the 'interviewer'.
If you join Icon International, you will be working with competent people directed by Yusri Salemeh who is very talented and very persuasive. However, be careful in putting your reputation on the line when it comes to promising delivery on time because deadlines are usually missed. Also, do not join Icon International if you do not have any savings because delayed payment of salary without advance notice has become standard practice since last spring.
Although Icon International does outstanding work, the wise customer insists on a penalty clause for late delivery. Otherwise, the delivery date Mr Yusri promises most likely will not be met.
ICON international is one of the largest Media and Gift items firm in State of Qatar.
It's location on C road behind TADMUR villa number 8.
I know this company very well, and they did a great work for my company.
Best regards
Here are some information about ICON Int'l. that might to help you:
P.O. Box 21380 Doha, Qatar
Tel. No. 4666439
Fax No. 4666493
Email: [email protected]
ICON International is an Advertising and Marketing Company...
If they called you on your mobile then for sure in the "received call log" there is a number to call back and get the details...did you try this??
If they called on your landline then chances to get their number are a little negligible.
Is your resume avilable on the internet?? that's how most of the companies or head hunters (HH) get the contact details of the persons "suitable" for the job.