About Resignation?

By buddahtogs •
One of my friend is working here in Qatar for 4 years,he is planning to resign and go back to his country of origin.He was asking does the company will give any seperation pay?if yes,how is it to be computed?lenght of service or whatsoever?
he will get only gratuity that 21 days per year as per the last drawn basic, apart from that legally nothing
1-calculation of gratuity as per qatar labor law is 21 days basic salary of each year. if u worked 5 years or more it will become 1 month basic salary instead of 21 days.
2. Each year u have a right to get 21 days leave salry, if u not get in previous years, u can claim for this also.
3. All of the calculation based on the last basic salary u got. Eg. suppose on the time of ur joining ur basic salary is 5000 and now u r getting the basic salary 7500, the calculation is based on the last one measns 7500.
4. If ur contract is defenit contract u should give 2 weeks notice informing ur resignation. if ur contact is indefinit duration contact u must give 1 month notice about ur resignation. other wise they can deduct 1 month salary or remaining balance of days salary from ur settlement.
Fair as qatari labour law he is entitled for a gratuity. But; review further his contract with the company, before he resign.
Per Qatar labor laws: 21 days basic salary is gratuity for each year worked.
4 year * 21 days * last daily basic pay = Gratuity Amount
gratuity -40 days of basic salary he will get ,since he worked 4 years .