The 50dirham question....

Now this had been happening since quite a while but nobody seems to be bothered about it... or we should not bother at all ?? Whenever we are out to malls for shopping (specially to hypermarts) at the cash counter they dont keep enough coins to return " our " money back. Now it may be a issue for them that they dont have enough coins available to return to its costumers but finally we are the victim of this ordeal when they give us a chocolate made in timbakto which i would never have and it will take space in my fridge untill it is expired...
To some this mind sound very illogical since they are not fond of keeping coins or they dont care much about a 50 or 25dirham coin. But here, the point is " this is my money " why should someone sell me something which i dont want regardless of its cost. And lately what i have noticed that some of the cashier's feel this is the way it should be and straight away they will give you your reciept with the candy on top and they will start dealing with other customers and then you will feel awkward asking him that does he/she have change or not ....
What i feel is when they dont have enough coins to give us back they should simply waive off the extra 50 or 25 instead of us, giving them back.
Roughly if they get thousand customer a day and for every one of them they get 50dirhams that gives them a sale of 500riyals a day (forced sale i would say)...
Lately the small shops (baqalas) have also adopted this habbit.
I dont really know what could be done to fix this but i wanted to point out this issue.
I like the idea of that coupon thingy other than the coins. You can give to charity at the same time.
Heard your wife left you,
How upset you must be.
But don't fret about it...
She moved in with me.
I always find it balances out in the end, some time I owe sometimes they owe me. but the amounts we are talking about are tiny, 14 or 15 US cents, you probably drop more money down the back of your sofa / leave 1 Riyal notes laying around coz you have 20 of them and can't be bothered to carry them.
For some reason they always seem to round it down in my favor. I usually owe a little change but they wave me off. I find that a charming custom.
simply keep 2 coins of 50 Dhms and 2 coins of 25 Dhms with you..
give them those when needed :)
Most of all small shops in Doha, do carry coins all the time. The Exemption are the major stores.
“Be fearful when others are greedy, and be greedy when others are fearful,”
I was in Lulu hypermarket the other day and cashier gave ma a chocolate instead of my 50 dirhms, but i insisted on my 50 dirhms and she handed me it with a bad face. They are doing this purposely not because they have a shortage of coins.
I use my ATM for shops that have the facility. For small shops they usually waive the margin. Just use your tack. Yeah, you can give back what they used as 'change' and haggle with it. It's your right! In a nutshell, this kind of practice is simply cheating their customers, which are supposedly their bread and butter. Only in Qatar?
This deff will not work...
if u went in a shop and were 50 dirhams short for ur shopping.would they let u take the shopping NOOOOOOOOOOO I DONT THINK SO
I used to do this in smelly Food Palace on Al Sadd... except they refused to accept them!!!
they just shut the till there and tell you to take their gum or nothing...
I was in Carrefour this morning and my bill was QR38.75. I paid with a QR50 and the cashier gave me QR 11 change.I asked for my 25 dirhams, he had one in the till and reluctantly gave it to me.It may only be 25 dirhams but it is MY money. I felt the cashier just assumed I would not want my change or he couldn't be bothered to give it to me.
May your dreams take you travelling all through your life.
and yet sometimes i chk the chocolate first, if its something i like or i ask what else do they have :)
i mostly use my ATMs for anything more than Qrs50/- where ever possible..
I have have handed them candy I have kept from other visits to pay for other stuff, it didn't work but they got the point. Trust me they do not want a scene either it is absolutley absurd for a billion riyal company not to be able to make change. Odd that they have items for sale that require change ???? especially when it is them making the price, mistake??? I think not, 1000s of dirhams a day add up big.
He who dies with the most toys wins.
in other countries they do give you a copon which u keep it for next use, so when you have many coupons then it can be enough for next shoping.
I dont live with example..Reather I prefer to be an example!
u r right...hypermarkets even earn profits frm this the chocolate they give you doesnt even cost 50 dhs
u r right but some times we have to accept the fact ...and even some times u have to eat the fact ... :))
I feel exactly the same. I always refuse the sweets! I insist on getting the change. In Dasman they used to have charity coupons and instead of getting the coin, they would give me a coupon to the equivalent of the coin, which you then put in the charity boxes usually located at the exit. At least that way one can contribute to charity, albeit small. For me, It is either a coupon or the coin.We should insist that more shops have these coupons available, cos I am sure that we would not disagree to donate our coins to charity. But it is the general assumption that we would accept the sweets that really gets to me. And as you said, "It is my money" so I should be able to decide what I want to do with it.
your point is very right but i think we cannot do aything other than just tell them i dont want this choc or candy give me my 50dirham. if you feel awkward to ask your 50dirham then they take advantage so we dont have to complain.
I dont live with example..Reather I prefer to be an example!