1500 QR salary for 3 months

By Aditya Thakker •
Hello Everyone !!!
I am a recent graduate engineer with no work experience. I have been offered a post as a trainee ELV engineer. I will be earning 1500 QR per month for the training period of 3 months after which i can expect a salary raise.
My question is, will I be able to survive on 1500qr a month ? Considering my official accommodation is going to cost me 700qr per month (i will be sharing an apartment with 4 others).
Hope to hear from you all soon !!!
there are lot of nice job out there. certainly not this one.
I pay my maid considerably more than this. Run away from this offer.
Adithya, better do not sell yourself and your hard earned Engg.degree to such companies. It will certainly tarnish the image of indian Engineers. Do not compromise for peanuts, anywhere between 5-6000 sounds reaqsonable.
A Bird in the hand is worth than 2 in the bush ( Gulf )
Indian engineer.
Node ur head hardly,maybe ur brain work a bit.
Bang on, mohdata... I guess the only reason spock was on this thread was to post irrelevant nonsense and piss everyone off...
Everyone else had something relevant to say... Spock definitely wanted to be different and kiddish...
Some companies offer jobs to non Qatari resident freshers as trainees with some pocket money and after observing their performance companies give 'em permanent place with some reasonable salary amount.
you know what buddy..my bad for thinking i'd reason with you:
1) the first reply to this thread was mine..which pointed out the s**t to him and told him not to come.
2) my comment about west bay lagoon stirring up s**t referred to him asking whether the OP was from kerala..a completely unnecessary diversion which has dragged countless posts down to racist and hateful insult fests.
3) any claims to understanding someone's 'way of thinking perfectly' without even knowing them, reek of a judgmental approach and that illness is beyond being remediable.
anyways, have a great evening for what its worth and apologies for any unpleasantness.
And if I decide to renegotiate, what is the salary that I should ask for ???
I obviously cant ask for 10 times my previous offer...
Will 6000-7000 Qr be reasonable, considering my first offer was 1500qr and that I am a fresher...
Thanks for your reply, Indiak...
I have decided to reject the above offer and keep looking...
I must ask, do you know any companies that offer trainee engineer jobs to freshers who are not qatari citizens ? I have had a really hard time searching and still have not found any !!!
I don't comment normally but being from India, couldn't resist stopping you.
1500 QAR is normally is the salary of security guards and laborers. House maid are paid 1200-1500 and given free food and accommodation. Even receptionists and secretaries make minimum 7000 QAR.
Engineer (even Freshers) should not accept less than 15000 (min 10 times of what you are offered). And even that is quite low.
All the respectable companies I know offer salaries in the range of 30K-40K per month to Engineers with 5-8 yrs experience.
I appreciate the gesture, NebusQatar....
Thanks a lot !!!
i know its below basic but just wanted to pass the message that this is the maximum he can do with 1500
I would like to thank everyone for the information that I have been given today... I have, wisely, decided to reject the offer that I have been given. I guess I just have to keep looking !!!
Your advice has been very valuable... Thanks again !!!
And If you do find any jobs for freshers in qatar, I would like to request you all to please let me know !!!
Thanks A lot !!! You guys ROCK !!!
maybe he meant 250 for fones and 250 for fone service ?
this is under the very basic
Here is the very basic (I mean very very basic) calculation
Food 3 times a day - Minimum 30QR (900QR for a month)
Transportation - Minimum 300 QR a month (if your company providing transportation or you stay near by its fine, but still you will be going out)
Telephone and other expenses - 500 QR a month.
Other expenses - 300 to 500 (Laundry etc)
So we are talking about 2000 QR basic expenses
you will end up saving nothing
You are quite wrong, tahsinmin. It all depends where in the government a Qatari is working no matter what his name. If someone works in the Ministry of Interior he can get a visa for anybody, for example. But, it's better if you don't know this.
lol obviously he meant one of them..
lolll trust two persons in your life, the first one is GOD, second one is no one... what a trust source your talking about? 1500 mannnnnnnnnn do you know what 1500 in Qatar?
I know this sounds fishy... to clear the air, my highly trusted source does not work in the same company that i might join... But he is definitely a highly influential person in qatar...
Well Mr tahsinmin, I am a 100% sure of this guarantee... It comes from a highly trusted source...
I plan to search for other jobs while i work here, NebusQatar, and i do hope you can suggest some companies that take in qraduate expatriate engineers...
Am sorry Zouheir, But I am not at the liberty of disclosing such information... The company name shall remain anonymous for now...
I am being quite serious here Mr Spock... And you are really posting comments that have no value to this conversation whatsoever...
Wife ? Where did that come from ?
In our showroom we pay 3500QR for sales peoples who has basic education .
Come for Visit Visa and look for a job, a job with 5000QR to 7000QR minimum is Guaranteed.
This one is fishy.
Let us know the name of the company offered you this offer of 1500
Star1234, Are you absolutely sure of this ???
My only condition to the company I am joining was that I should be allowed to leave anytime I choose... And I have been guaranteed that If I choose to leave, the company will definitely release me without any hesitation...
In seven months you could look for a suitable wife. Surprise her with your job when she says 'yes'. If you call that 'being idle', I don't know.
Could you suggest a few companies that may hire a fresh graduate, Mr TheDarkKnightRises ??? I am an electronics and telecommunication engineer...
Thanks a lot , tahsinmin , for your generous offer...
But I already have a job offer from India... The only reason I am applying for a job in Qatar is because my Call date in Bangalore is 4th June 2013... I dont want to sit idle for 7 months !!!!
Really appreciate the gesture from you though !!!
you can’t get NOC from any company as soon as you come in. it will take minimum one year to get release and it’s something that you can’t demand (its solely their decision) ....
There are many people got trapped in similar situation
Aditya then you are applying in the wrong companies. Government companies will prefer Qatari nationals. I have seen very few local Arab engineers in the companies I have worked for in the gulf and I have worked for quite a few.
Thank you, zouheir , for replying...
I have been applying for a job in qatar for the last 6 months... Not for jusst 2 days as you mentioned... And my not being a qatar citizen has been a major hinderance...
Aditya stay in Delhi, don't accept this offer. it is ridiculously low. A diploma holder from ITI makes more money in India these days so why do you want to come here with an engineering degree and expose yourself to exploitation?
Keep searching for a job, a better one will appear sooner or later if you know your stuff.
Good luck.
either work in a company in your home country for free as training to get some work experience which gives you the right to add it in your cv as professional work experience while your applying online so your chances goes up. or come over for a visit and try your luck which as well gives you a bigger chance then being hired from overseas. if you didnt get a job by yesterday or today doesnt mean you wont get job tomorrow so dont give up and goes down that much, 1500 that wont cover transportation
That may be true, tahsinmim, But are fresher jobs given to engineers who are not qatari nationals ???
I have applied to quite a lot of recruitment sites like bayt,Gulf talent, etc... And I have not been able to come against any jobs for freshers who are not qatari nationals...
Am An engineering graduate from Delhi...
Btw, I have not been told about the amount by which my salary will be increased... But I do have the assurance that I will be released from the company whenever I request for it...
I have been applying to quite a few companies in Qatar. And although my profile is pretty good (academics and extra curricular), I have not been able to secure a job anywhere else as I dont have 3 years experience, and I am not a qatar citizen...
Even If I obtaining a release immediately after coming, will I be able to land an interview at another job ???
mohdata, you are right. It's better to wade in s**t and begin to stink oneself than to stir it up so that others get to know about it. I understand your way of thinking perfectly.
not sure how you mean that, and maybe there is indeed s**t here..doesn't mean you need to stir it up does it?..the roundabouts smell like s**t but one doesn't stop going round them do they?..and in case you didn't realize, they smell like s**t because they are indeed watered and fertilized by your s**t:-)
Well, obviously there is a lot of s**t here. You don't have to stir much. There are even roundabouts that smell like s**t in Doha.
this dude west bay lagoon just seems to like to stir s*** up..and the best way to address such people is to completely ignore them and their comments.
Even our driver earns 3500 and very relaxed :)
Bring some money with you for first 3 months, if you want to survive here...
and what is the salary they would offer you after 3 months?
That's a big contrast to our company driver who earns QR3,000/month with free accommodation.
What a great suggestion my dear Doha Resident, don't expect to get NOC or release from a Company which is offering 1500 riyals to an Engineer.
Will be btter to look for something else or work for sometime in your home country to get experience and then move.
“Land at one of the richest states in the world”
LOL….hahahahahaha….How in the H*** a richest country in the world can offer such a salary (QR 1500) for an Engineer??? Are you kidding me?
This is only worthy if you manage with your boss to obtain a release after your Residence Permit has been stamped. In Qatar there are lot of chances for engineers but coming here is a problem.
After you come here, you can try for it but most small companies do not let it happen!
1500 is nothing for survival. You have to live in a room where more than 5 peoples bedding around you, dirty common kitchen and mostly having mere bread (here they call it “Khubus”) with leben, may be a luxury of having some raw onions & tomatos as well.
Normally small companies with this much salary, offer accommodations but it is very strange that you work at this money without accommodation?
But as they say youngsters can do everything. Take this as a challenge and land at one of the richest states in the world, work hard and try to change the sponsor!
Dont accept ...its not worth .. you just cant do anything with balance of 800QR ....
You may accept ,If they give you minimum 4 to 5 times higher salary after training period.
Dont get trapped
MM, seems to be the cousin of WBL.
It's almost impossible to make ends meet with this salary... It's better you stay in your home country - you will be happier.
It's almost impossible to make ends meet with this salary... It's better you stay in your home country - you will be happier.
no donot accept they will work you for 3 month then they will let you go cauze all here do like this it is happen to me so refuse and 1500 is very very very low as engineer sure donot accept this advice for you
You have no work experience and if the company is guaranteeing to give you a significant raise after three months, then it's worth a gamble.
Good Luck.
What does that mean ?
1500? Are you the Engineer from Kerala?
Wonder how much they are paying for the office boy!!!
what a stingy company!!!
Can you mention what is the name of the company who offered you?
1500 is only for laborers my friend. 1500 is only transportation allowance for engineers and being with 4 others in a room? it's a big .....
i do not know your situation or the details; but sounds very low..even if they do give you a raise after 3 months, i doubt it'll be more than 1000..so its low and you'll have trouble making ends meet..if you smoke, eat out and pay for transport, there's no way you'll manage. Best of luck