An interesting place. During my bachelor days here, I...
An interesting place. During my bachelor days here, I used to "treat" myself to a full english on a Friday morning - been back a couple of times since marriage and was there last friday which is why I'm commenting now. This place hasnt changed in the 3 years I have been here and I guess its not going to. The English influence has long since evaporated with Philipina staff and Nepali chefs - thats not a criticism - they do a good job - but it is what it is and I agree with previous commentators - the prices are WAY to high for what you get. It isnt helped by its location which is now very unfriendly since the opening of the new road.For a comparison, punters could try Country Kitchen just up the road which is vastly superior in terms of menu and variety of choice, size of helping and general ambience. Its Yank in nature and it shows - thats a positive thing by the way - but the staff are not as friendly in my experience as they are in the "Brit" cafe down the road!! So there you are - friendlier at the Cafe but better choice, better prices and more convenient at the Kitchen!!