Ps3 with 8 games (GTA5, Fifa15, Black Ops 2, Fifa 14, Fifa 13, MW3, Mafia 2) and a demo for PSMOVE(Grease) with playstation move and playsation eye(mic and camera) and all wires for the ps3. note: Fifa 15 and GTA5 FULL games are downloaded on the ps3. SO, it will be found on the playstation because i bought them from the playstation store.
Doha, Doha
Doha, Doha
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sir 50 for Fifa 14 ? individual ?
1200 last price
1200 last price
Sorry mustafa but i dont need a buggy
nop.. all games should be included..1k for all....if you still want to make the deal.. i'll wait for your reply till tomorrow,.
exchange with buggy 70 cc working ver good if intrested call me on 70420128 or 30167958 or whatsappp me
Deal but without 3 games ok?
1000 deal or no deal....
if it's new it is worth 2600 but because it is used
1200 last sorry
1200 last sorry
1200 last sorry
1200 last sorry
1200 last sorry