To pay government fees, you do not need a special card. You can simply use your ATM card or credit long as there are sufficient funds to pay. There is no need to use the special card issued by QNB if you have a credit or ATM card issued by your bank. All ministries and government departments accept regular credit cards and ATM cards for payments.
The procedure is really simple...Just walk in to Virgin mega store in Villagio. They have got IBQ counter over there. Request for the VIP card. Show your ID fill out a small form...You are done...
You will have 2 options there. Which are,
1) Normal VIP Credit card, which has no money inside but still act as normal credit card as long as you fill up the credit(this one you can even use for online purchasing and its very convenient as there are too many scams and frauds). IBQ would charge you 100QR as service charge for the same. The good thing about this card is that you don’t have any paper work other then filling up a form. And you may start using on the spot :)
2) VIP Credit card: this is the normal credit which you need to show your salary certificate and etc... You know the procedure of normal credit cards, right? its just the same and I guess it will take around a week or so to get card and start using it.
I guess the first one would be perfect for you and there is no financial commitment. Just fill up the money and there you go :)
You can get in touch QNB for the same or Try with IBQ VIP card, which is prepaid credit card. you can fill the money as much as u want as per your requirements and use it as Normal Credit card .. this is available in Virgin megastore in Villagio
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BTW....The IBQ- Virgin Megastore prepaid card is no longer available. I heard they stopped the promo almost three months ago.
To pay government fees, you do not need a special card. You can simply use your ATM card or credit long as there are sufficient funds to pay. There is no need to use the special card issued by QNB if you have a credit or ATM card issued by your bank. All ministries and government departments accept regular credit cards and ATM cards for payments.
By the way I am not that much well-versed with banking system here but just trying to learn as you do :)
Feel free to contact me anytime. will be really glad to help you :)
The procedure is really simple...Just walk in to Virgin mega store in Villagio. They have got IBQ counter over there. Request for the VIP card. Show your ID fill out a small form...You are done...
You will have 2 options there. Which are,
1) Normal VIP Credit card, which has no money inside but still act as normal credit card as long as you fill up the credit(this one you can even use for online purchasing and its very convenient as there are too many scams and frauds). IBQ would charge you 100QR as service charge for the same. The good thing about this card is that you don’t have any paper work other then filling up a form. And you may start using on the spot :)
2) VIP Credit card: this is the normal credit which you need to show your salary certificate and etc... You know the procedure of normal credit cards, right? its just the same and I guess it will take around a week or so to get card and start using it.
I guess the first one would be perfect for you and there is no financial commitment. Just fill up the money and there you go :)
Thanks Nachu... once again..
How's the procedures? Any form to be filled in? How long it'll take to complete the process & ready to use?
Seems like you're well-versed in the banking & financial system here.. congratulation..
You can get in touch QNB for the same or Try with IBQ VIP card, which is prepaid credit card. you can fill the money as much as u want as per your requirements and use it as Normal Credit card .. this is available in Virgin megastore in Villagio