Is there any benefit for me, I just crossed 1000 QL points

By the-birdie •
sorry, i just asked the same matter in a new forum
QL Management or Webmaster would like to fecilitate me, on the occasion of completing 1000 points ?
Or any of the QL members ? U are welcome
Please wait till it reaches 2000 points........... who knows if you're going to win a TOYOTA PRADO VX or atleast a corolla.....! Goodluck anyway....
i am not sure sorry.
u must use this website even more than me and I only have 1 Friend who i keep locked in a suitcase under my bed:)
now u r senior member
good luck
Please call the number below to collect you free voucher..
free phone 1000.
Send your Complete details to QL Admin, Toyota Prado ready for you!
lol...Guyz could you be serious for only one time while answering this question...i never seen a serious reply so far !!!
As per a friend, for every 1,000 points, it is equivalent to 1QR. so get more points and earn a lot.
Redeem your points with Qatar Airways to get a free ticket to your home country.
no for moon
so Birdie
stand up turn around bend down get lil low and wait for the kick to send you to the moon.
Congratulation...Print out your profile page that shows 1000 points. You can have dinner tonight at any restaurant within Doha limit and present this print out while settling the bill. You get QR 10/- off for every 100 points scored. Enjoy!!!
Darude, here we have a candidate for the one way ticket to Timbucktu...just pm details for prize collection.
dude! get a life!