Federal Bank in Kerala

Are you aware that Federal Bank in Kerala is taking from the account holder Rs.70 for each transfer of money from Doha Bank. Have you heard any other Bank in the world taking money while the account holder deposits money into his account. Is it permitted by the Reserve Bank of India?
I have made an objection to the Bank and they have assured me to take it up to higher level. Anybody having account with Federal bank, please submit your complaint to the bank to protect our rights as account holders.
My bank in America is charging me everytime my account is credited with an "overseas" money transfer, and that charge is refered as "operational/system costs".
Like the previous user states is not only Fed Bank in your country....almost all banks all over the world do that.
yes it is not only fed bank. Many of the banks are charging their charges while receiving the funds. In qatar also when you receive money,if not specified it will charged to your account