Working in QATAR post WC2022

.... working ? NONE :) Customers, none! Kerala mafia... eeeeeverywhere :)
Now a bit more serious viewpoint, basically, Ministry of Labour - Qatar, decided to NOT GIVE A DAMN about anyone other than their own qatari's regarding working conditions, working rights, HUMAN rights and Qatar Law in general.
Aside from more than half Qataris, REAL ONES, living under huge loans, debts due to their "successful" businesses, the Property Investors with their 43423423 new buildings which stay empty as before WC2022, main issue comes to all the employees of these owners. Some can't afford to pay their employees' wages, some DONT CARE, some intentionally dont pay so the employees can be either by a call or by random check, be picked up by the police and sent to jail and then deported when seen their Employement status or long-time expired QIDs.
All of this is thanks to the 0% care for anyone by the Ministry of Labour, the ONLY body which actually SHOULD and NEED to fix the issue. Now, when you add all the blue collar labourers which came, worked their sweat off pre and post WC2022, then, the foreigners which came to work, same, cus of the WC2022 and been leaving the country in the past 2 years, Qatar became a, sorry to say, "bitch to India". And this isn't a racist remark, its just a plan fact as to the HUGE increase of 1 nationality from 1 region(read Kerala), with the motto, bring 1, take 20 extra and having all the sectors flooded with low salaries, low quality, non-arabic and non-english speakers, basically, going back to probably 2010.
So, for people wondering what to expect in 2024 and probably same or worse in 2025, Qatar? If you are getting hired, be sure its from a distinguished Government Company or 5star Hotel with a deeeep read-through their Contract policies and ACCOMMODATION policies. Then, hope that your boss or supervisor, speaks English, not like it's not the INTERNATIONAL language for foreigners.. Oh, and NOTE, regarding QIDs, the funny law Qatar has, an employee with an expiring QID, can't get it renewed EVEN IF HE WANTS TO PAY for it, IF, the Company-Sponsor doesn't want to! Meaning, a Company can leave you with expired QID, still be able to work for them, well, until a Police checks it, and then throws you to jail and deports you, while the Company isn't even penalized :) Yeh, fck logic, I know, bringing back to the start of this post, Ministry of jokes(read Labour) Qatar :)