Work ethics
Could anyone tell me about the work ethics of private companies in Qatar. I have an offer with bonuses. And someone mentioned to me most of the employers would not provide any bonusses even if the promise. I am also looking for feedback on the expat working environment in the companies such as Ras Laffan, Qatar Petroluem, Qatar national import export company and Qatar foundation..
yeh! you got my point.....
lolz afaque i am holding a purchase request by them for the last 5 years..imagine
bakmuna, no bonuses yet, but they are promoting their favourites ones only. they have all the money for the project but they are lazy ass*s and not capable of making decisions at all. The company doen't have a final name or logo yet. Fools!
Afaque did you company give out bonuses to the locals...maan i thought it was having no funds to finsih the project itself,
yep, its very sad over here that most of the work or infact all the work is done by other nationalities in the company and at the time of reward or bonus or salary hike the Qataris, who don't even know the meaning of work, unqualified ass*holes get everything.
Ok caring about your own people is understood but discrimination and injustice is too much here and I think not only in private but gov. organisations as well....Very SAD.
My company has also not fulfulled any promises since the past one and a half year that they said they will.
You may be correct.. One reason I left my last company.. they announced bonuses based on previous years's performance and employee evaluation. went through the process. at the end, all the expats were marked down and given a token sum, whilst the locals were marjked up and given hefty bonuses..
sorry to say but work ethics there are none over here!
Having worked in other countries in the Middle East, I've found that the established, large companies will usually honour the bonus system, its the small ones that can pull a fast one..
as told my notiva just search on this living site.. there are hundreds and hundreds of comments on these topics.. just go through it .. it will help u a lot....
have u tried to use the search button on the top right of this site ?