By wally82884 •
This is what wikipedia said about qatar...what the hell???!!! Is this true???!!!
Human rights and labour
According to the US State Department’s Trafficking in Persons Report, men and women who are lured into Qatar by promises of high wages are often forced into underpaid labor. The report states that Qatari laws against forced labor are rarely enforced and that labor laws often result in the detention of victims in deportation centers pending the completion of legal proceedings. The report ranks Qatar at Tier-3, which groups countries that neither satisfy the minimum standards nor demonstrate a significant effort to come into compliance.
Yes, what wikipedia says is true - the US State Department’s Trafficking in Persons Report does say those things.
Never believe a single word you read on the internet - it's the devil's work!
Did you Google it first?
if you people know the answer, why dont you just post it. my internet connection is very slow, so i dont have time to go searching for the answer.
Wally........Don't you know this is true or not?
"The best way to predict the future is to create it".
Why don't you follow the links contained in that specific paragraph on wikipedia? That's how wikipedia works; people cite information about something and provide a link or reference to where that information came from.
You can read the original US State Department's report at and judge for yourself!