What diseases can Acupuncture help?
By Acupuncture Dr.Ai •
China Acupuncture has confirmed that Acupuncture is effective for over 70 diseases (conditions).Most commonly seen diseases (complaints) in Acupuncture clinics are:
Pain: Migraine (headache), Neck pain, Back pain, Arthritis (joint pain), Sports injury.
Hormone and metabolic diseases: Menopause Syndrome, Obesity, High Blood Pressure (Hypertension), High cholesterol.
Neural and mental disorder: stroke ,sciatica, facial palsy(Bell’s Palsy),depression, anxiety.
Others: stop smoking, allergy (asthma, allergic rhinitis) ,chronic cough, chronic colon disorder, urinary tract infection(cystitis) and etc.
Hi Dr.
I am looking for acupuncture. Can you please provide your contact number or contact me at 74006009
God Bless to You too!
Heel spur ,i.e. Calcaneous spur(heel pain),surely,Acupuncture can much reduce the pain.After about 6 to 8 sessions of Acpuncture therapy,the pain should be much relieved.but the spur will not be removed or downsized by Acupuncture.
By the way,the spur does not cause the heel pain,it is the damaged or thickened soft tissue which connects the heel with foot does.Once the tissue becomes inflamed, the pain starts.Acupuncture has been proved effective for the Non-bacterial Inflamation.
Good health to you!
need ur valuable reply dr.Ai..my question is "can accupunture cure "heel spurs"..if yes how long it need to get ur treatment..
Dr. Ai. God Bless you !
For some type of it ,Acupuncture is effective.Further investigation need.
Find the root diseases and treat it.
If the problem is still there,take chinese herbal which is less expensive than Viagra.
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