What CEOs Want
It's unusual to come across debt issues, dividend increases and share buybacks much these days. And even more unusual to see a company doing all three. But that's what Dutch telecom group KPN has been up to in recent months.
"Our consistency is a great value," claims its CEO, Ad Scheepbouwer. That said, the decision to maintain pre-recession practices during deepening economic turmoil hasn't been easy. Two years ago, when "you could get money at any moment you wanted it," Scheepbouwer recalls, approving such actions was relatively routine. Now, the CEO spends a lot more time with Marcel Smits, KPN's finance chief, devising strategies to steer the company through the downturn. "I see him more often, because there are so many more issues to talk about," notes Scheepbouwer. "As the news gets more grim, the role of the CFO grows in importance."
Already enjoying a close relationship, Sheepbouwer and Smits aren't the only CEO - CFO team getting closer in hard times. While every CEO reacts to adversity differently, there is one thing every finance chief can be sure of: they will be spending a lot more time in the corner office in the coming months.
I appreciate the post. Its inviting discussion on a topic in which (for a change) Qlers won't get to blame, accuse or taunt :)
Much better then the village news some people like to dig out from the press and paste it here !
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum sonatur.
Chill....I'll keep on saying this...if you have nothing to do with the post pass by and leave no s--t.
"simple yet complicated"
"makamal a anak"
I don't care if people reply or not. I do it for my own satisfaction. I like to share information. If no one is interested, it is thier choice. But, I have done my part to move it forward. Blog or no blog, does not make any difference to me.
I do care about people. That is why I have posted this here. What I don't care about is the fact that people may not discuss my posts or reply to it. I would never be on this web site if I didn't care about people.
Got it. But in QL, you should care about people, after all, we all are people in QL right, and we can't expect automated feedback on blogs. Anyway, thanks for sharing. Keep it coming. It's a free world, enjoy!
You see, Hasan, nice trying but you know the QLers are not much interested in brushing elbows with CEOs and CFOs and UFOs :) Dont get offended. You've a point that people that dont usually "eyeball" are now doing so more often than before there was financial woes around. Yeah, but that's it. Nothing much to blog about. Hmmm.
A joke or trivia will do the trick :) Cheers.