What is the buisness opportunity in QATAR and in which sector????
Hai all i m umar and i want to know what is the buisness opportunity in QATAR and in which sector most profitable and alos my sponcers want to know what a facilities are provided by the Govt of QATAR for a buiness man and also value of capitals safety of the capitals also restrictions on capital and what are the profit and loss bases there so any one can answer me in details and my email is [email protected] so plz reply me as soon as possible thanks
every business wants money in first 2,3 years so in first period no question about the profit,secondly its depend that how much you invest in any kind of business and mind it keep collect all the information about that feild which you want to start,so good luck
Try Heavy Vehicle Industry, Its the best scope for Business in Qatar and around Middle east.
Dear Friend,
One thing i came to know,
we have all resources in Qatar,But only thing due to poor marketing ,we feel that ,here there is nothing,
So first choose any bussiness according your work style,instead of money oriented.
It reeps you more fruit.
think smart,work smart.
Solariums - no one does that here yet.