URGENT: Could Someone Help me Please?

Hello All,
I've started to work in a newly established Construction company in Qatar. Nowadays the company applied to Ministry for Work Visas. My work visa is not approved yet and when i check from MOI website i still have tourist visa. Now i have an offer from a great company and i want to accept it. Could you please help me for following questions?
1. Does my current company have chance to cancel the Work Visa Application if i deal with them and resign from my current company?
2. If my work visa is approved are there any possible ways for me to change my company?
3. My current company is not a company established with Qatar Regulations and its only a Branch of the company origined in Turkey. So in this situation some says that you dont need NOC or you dont need to wait for 1 year to change your company. Is it true?
4. I've been told that When you get your Work Visa you need exit permit to leave the country after 1 month. So if i leave the country within the first month and if the new company apply for a work visa within their sponsorship when i'm still outside the country, your work visa for the first company automatically been canceled and you can go on with the new company. Is it true?
I really looked for these answers everywhere: within the law, with the HR Experts, web... I even went to the Ministry of Labour to get some information but no one know the exact information.
So its really of great importance to me since its maybe the chance of my life, its a milestone. Could you please inform me if you are just sure of your knowledge about the situation?
Thanks already to everyone.
Col me on 74061957 , u might get some clarification 4rm me .
Parvaiz, thanks for the comment but you have any supporting documents or anything for this information?? Because it's a big risk if i would leave my current job and have any problems with the new company. I may stay in the middle without a job.
U can join new co. wdout any trouble , cheers . tell me the new employers name so I can apply 4 d same ?