Is there an opportunity for Psychologist to set up Private Practice?

My husband has an Executive positon in Doha starting March. I shall be accompanying him for 3 years until he retires. I have a busy practice here in Australia. I have many years experience and wondered why I see no facilities for ex-patriates to seek support with any difficulties they may be having in resettling, relationships, parenting, anxiety and depression. I shall be in a villa in West Bay and exploring the possibility of setting a practice up part-time. Any thoughts?
rosie, when you are under husbands sponsorship , it does not allow you to run a commericial establishment. You need to go for a lot of bureocratic hurndles, to have a separate commerical number, separate physicial flat ( not with accommodation )
what is allowed in family visa is --- to join in any western school, where they need a psychologist. And you will be working for the school, and school will be paying you a salary - not the patients
Thanks Hannah. Very helpful. Good luck with your work visa too.
I am a paediatric physiotherapist wanting to do the same and am finding the visa situation very difficult. It's worth looking into what kind of visa you will have to ensure that it is legal for you to work out here. As im sure you know you have to be sponsored - so my husband is sponsoring me, but this visa does not alow me to work. If anyone out there knows the ins and outs of how to go about setting p this kind of work I too would be most grateful! Best of luck with the move and your endeavour. I know that the owner of Starfish Lane nursery is a psychologist - also from Aus, so it may be worth contacting her.