Theatre in Doha?
By FranElizabeth •
Hey there. Am about to come over to Qatar in August to be Head of Eng Dept in a school.
Was just wondering if there were any other Eng teachers out there? Could you give me the low down on whether it was possible to get touring theatre companies in to do workshops?
Anyone else out there involved in Eng/ Drama teaching? Would love to get in touch..
Is there a theatre?
has already been really helpful about some other stuff too. I certainly will! Thanks all.. looking forward to meeting you:)
That sounds excellent. I certainly will get in touch once I know my way round stuff:)
I'll be out in Dukhan, so it may be a little more difficult, but as I said before, I think the Head is fully behind the Drama/ Theatre element, so I'd imagine he'd be supportive..
That's really good of you. Exciting stuff!! :=)
Hopefully. Not 100% whether its just a workshop group or if they will be able to put on performance. Students will be dead excited and lucky to work with them. Will publicise it as much as possible nearer the time.
Hi Fran I'm head of drama at Doha College. Regarding travelling theatre I've got the RSC and NUT coming out next year. Get in touch when you get here.Paul
Roundheads and Cavaliers fought in the English Civil War.. Cromwell and all that stuff
I'm going to try to get a copy of Medea translation too. Has that got anything to do with where our English word 'Media' derives from, I wonder?
medea sounds really sad! I have never seen or read about that story.
It woud be great if they have more pantos in the future!
Maryum : Umm Hasan bint Abdullah Alshabrawishi
This sounds intriguing, to say the least! Sound like this could get pretty erm, interesting! lol
PM: Who was it that said of learning: 'I DO, and I understand..'- Some of my best lessons involved pretending to be a Roundhead soldier, and even Mr Spock's sidekick. (Don't ask..)
The lessons you remember have relevance to you because YOU are actually at the centre of the experience, no? Rather than passively being informed about someone or something else that has nothing whatsoever to do with you:)
and high heels.
Stop it Jaunty!
if that's any good as an intro into joining the Doha Players Mind you those high heels and fishnet tights were something else! Not to mention all that thigh slapping :D
If I remember correctly the Local Newspaper Critic wrote that my performance was 'idiosyncratic' - I've wondered about that comment for many years LOL
Have visions of getting the Primary and Secondary kids involved in visits etc.. want to push Drama aspect across English teaching, at least. I think it's an invaluable element of education, isn't it?
It sounds like my new Head has the same ideas, so I hope he'll be encouraging as far as trips etc are concerned.
Would love to take up some acting there myself too..would keep me out of trouble:) ha
No road companies since you arrived? They used to visit Qatar, even the Royal Shakespear if I remember correctly.
The coaching was undertaken by actors specially brought in. I remember our kids going to the sessions a couple of times.....some time since though.
It's certainly something that I'm very passionate about! Can anyone join the Doha players?
I really am excited now:)
That is good news indeed:) I was a little worried that UAE would be my best bet.
It's looking better all the time! Have a great evening:)
I'm not an English teacher but there is an amateur theatre in Doha (I think it's been rebuilt but not sure). It was known as the Doha Players before it was bombed.
There is also the Qatar National Theatre
There have been drama workshops run by Pro's in Qatar previously.
If I am wrong on the theatre I will no doubt be corrected.