Teaching Jobs in GCC

By vaseemmd.724 •
Guys please Share your Experiences on Teaching Jobs in GCC for Asian nationalities
In qatar specially, i want to know about;
- Veccancies (Best way to find veccancy like newspapers or any other links).
- Packages & Allowances .
Minimum level Requirements and etc.,
and all the important things required.
Thanks for your valuable time.
Vaseem: I would suggest that you browse the jobs section to get an idea of the salaries. There are many "teachers" out there and private schools can pick and choose. They usually don't offer very good salaries - I know an Indian lady who used to teach in the local school and got paid 3500 QWR per month - this was a couple of years ago. It also depends on your qualifications and your country of origin
Good luck!
@ acchabaccha: My gut feeling is that nobody is 100% perfect.
I try to take everything in a positive way and learn from others and one should agree their mistakes (if they have done) i.e., first step of learning.
thanks for ur kind rply
@ britexpat: yes, i'm trying to gather this info. for one of my friend
Mufti: I have come across many westerners whose mother tongue is English yet they can neither speak nor write English correctly. Several months back a "teacher" from the UK had found a teaching job at an academy in Doha and had posted a query at QL before his arrival here. His four-line post had several grammatical mistakes including a major one in the subject line. When I pointed this out to him, he deleted his post and sent me a PM using abusive language. Couple of years back, an American teacher had posted at QL her experience on getting hold of a driving license in Qatar. The English of her post could be described as nothing but pathetic.
I would have to side with Mufti here. We assume that you are a teacher and are advertising yourself as such. However, the language being used does not portray you in a good light.
Therefore, I assume that you are looking for a job for your spouse.
@Mr. Mufti Shahid it look like ur very judgmental in ur life.. my advice, pls don't judge anyone without understanding their position or unless they as u for ur opinion.. hope dat make scene and u take it in a positive way.
Guys please Share your Experiences on Teaching Jobs in GCC for Asian nationalities
In qatar specially, i want to know about;
Veccancies (Best way to find veccancy like newspapers or any other links).
Packages & Allowances .
Minimum level Requirements and etc.,
and all the important things required.
Thank you for your valuable time.//
After reading your paragraph ,it is unlikely any college or school will hire you.
Asian teachers don't get paid much
Not all Asian teachers are qualified
many become teachers just to earn extra income for the household