smoking in the office... I can't breath!!!

I work in a work station area... and the guy next to me is a HEAVY smoker...
I tried talking to him... but he is rude..
I sent 6 emails to HR, nothing..
I talked to the GM, nothing...
The smoking is horrible, he smokes all day and I am pregnant!!!
I know I can report him to authorities but I don't want to go this way as I still don't have my labor permit so I don't have a legal employment status at the company (I am under husband' sponsorship).
I can't breath.. my colleague has asthma and the poor thing, she is suffocating!
I even asked to move offices, or to install air purifiers... or to move this guy to a closed room!!!
I hold the company responsible for that. According to my colleagues, I am not the first to complain, they even escalated it to the Chairman but nothing has been done.
I feel so worried for my unborn... this is causing him harm and I feel helpless
Greenie FTW!! Vacationing in Qatar (1st time) from California & not being able to bring organic anxiety medication posed a huge problem on day one for a particular person in our group – and still a smaller problem for the rest of us. I’ve never gotten weed from an online forum… seems super sketchy – but I thought I’d try anyways. I e-mailed Greenie ( haha420kush@gmail com ) and within less than ONE HOUR all of our problems were solved. Of course prices were affordable – BUT THE BUD WAS JUST AS GOOD!!! I’m telling you —- strait chronic. IN Qatar! Greenie e-mailed me back ASAP, had a great way of getting me what I needed and even threw in some roll papers and a blunt for good business! So what did I do?? – called him again. Went through the sack another 1 oz time (haha typical) and needed more, so Greenie pulled through yet again. AND WITH MORE ROLL PAPERS!!! Greenie feels like my neighborhood “guy” – trustworthy and professional. I think some posts here are from unreliable vendors trying to rip off people, cuz you can tell this guy isn’t trying to rip anyone off – he’s actually running a legit business. E-MAIL GREENIE ( haha420kush@gmail com ) IF YOU’RE DEBATING IT, cuz I DID & I WAS IRIE IN ONE HOUR!! XD
Every time he starts smoking simply go sit in your Gm's office and say you cannot work until the smoke has cleared. He will get the point and do something. Also, talk to the head HR person everyday and say if nothing is fixed by the end of the week you will inform the authorities since it is against the law as Happy Happy stated. Make a fuss, but in a professional way. Be firm and persistent. Next time he lights up, go up to him tell him you have reported him for smoking since he is too lazy to take it outside and that it is against the law the authorities will be taking care of it. If that does not scare him into stopping, then REPORT HIM.
Don't just sit there, it is so harmful to you and your baby!
I'm Jack's complete lack of surprise
I was just hugged by bibo...:) thanks habibti. Wishing you and your family the best.
Note: imagine if this colleague was on QL too, maybe he'd have a heart and stop on his own!
isn't it strictly prohibited in qatar to smoke at the offices??
I got an impression they don't consider themselves a third-world country??
"What lies behind us and what lies before us are small compared to what lies within us."
Oliver Wendell Holmes
I wish I can give all of you an enormous hug now..
Thank you for your support, advice, and humour..!!
what is BCT?? Bankers Confectioners and Tobacco workers union?? i mean that's what google told me :D
You could just ask DaRuDe to go and have a word with him :O)
I get the picture now, then keep the rest of the co-workers out of it. I thought there were other voices with you already to back you up.
Send him the email and talk to him privately, to just smoke outside, if there's no positive response, and you still feel abused, resort to you last option, BCT all parties concerned. Use a professional tone i.e no capital letters, exclamation and questions marks, infuriating language...etc( I'm sure you know that alright, just a reminder)
how about an indefinite leave until they solve this smoking problem? if you are crucial to the company, it will hurt your management if you go on leave indefinitely. if you can afford it, then make your point stronger this time: you or put the smokers at their proper place. obviously, writing to anyone in your management is not working, so you need a far stronger stand on this one.
what is it with sir dolly and cyanide?! fyi, bibo is far too good a person to even think about poisoning somebody, (she can fancy it though :D)
take care of yourself, bibo.
bloody unrespectable smoker, should really risk it and inform the authorities even though you'll be backfired, or at least spread a rumor that you going to inform about him, and if you are a senior manager can't you simply fire his a** out of the company?
you know, cut the crap civilization, just give me your work address and i'll get few fellow lebanese to kick the s**t out of his miserable a**
Tess and Happy... don't want to start into a nationality debate... but the rest of my office mates (or at least those who ae seriously bothered) are too scared to do that, they are in junior positions and not Arabs, not Europeans/ Americans... and feel they are here to scarifice and make a living, which I respect. so, I don't want them to get into trouble.
If anything happens, I can gladly resign, but they can't afford it!!
If you can also (quietly) rally other disgruntled co-workers against him, you may list their names in your email, and point out they consented. Or have them send their own emails to management and HR.
I know you don't want to hurt his feelings, but he's leaving you no choice, I see.
Talk to him first about your plans, as a friendly warning.
you have the right to breath ..
we have the right to smoke !!
she said that he had been with the company for that might backfire at her.... ur quite in a pickle...well i guess cyanide might be your only solution...
serioulsy , try to be extra good with him , come tomorrow with a strawberry cheese cake in ur hand , and after giving it to him , tell him: seriously , i need u to stop smoking in the office , ur hurting my baby,,,im sure there's a good man inside of him...
if not get back to cyanide plan :)
I'm Jack's complete lack of surprise
nasty you.
No you need to vomit so every one will notice it.
go give it a try. but wait before that have some heavy meal :D
guys... the vomit idea is so tempting... but it's so not me!!!
Darude, believe me, I don't need to put my fingers down my throat to vomit... I am already trying so hard not to, everytime this lovely guy lights up a cigaret!
I am thinking to do that... great civilized idea..
Om Maui and Olive: no, I don't wish my husband to get involved. My husband is the most decent man you'd ever meet and I don't want him to get insulted by this guy, right in my office space!!
Besides, I seriously don't think this is the way to solve this... male or female, I am a damn senior manager (and before being so, I am an employee and a human being!!!!) in this company and I deserve respect.
Tess: no, nothing is personal against me. Before me, many many complained... and nothing changed. There was a British lady who was working in my place.. and kept complaining with no response... she then resigned!!!
now to vomit you need to do this trick.
get your fingers down your throat and make a loud noise so every one can hear you lol
IDEAAAAA ::: As you are already pregenant, Just Vomit on his workstation or atleast very near him,, & when this is raised to authorities,,just tell can't tolerate that stinky old bastard smoking. ....& tell them not to blame you if the vomitting reoccurs if he's near u..... lets see what the management does!! or atleast he'l move away :P
btw,,,, don't you think this is deliberately ignored in order to move you out of office or persuade u to quit employement?? are all the same bunch of crooks ?!
"Before God we are all equally wise ' and equally foolish" - Albert Einstein
Send him an email, CC your direct boss and HR. Copy the provision of 2002 Law into your email. Add a paragraph that your physician has strongly advised against smoking because it's a health hazard to you and the baby.
be friends with his wife and when you see she is pregnant you get her out with you for hours and smoke all that you can shesha cigggy weed etc.
Ahhh Bibo, have you thought about getting your husband to go in and talk to him man to man. As much as I hate to admit it, sometimes men here will only respond to another man. Especially as there won't be any language problems. If he doesn't listen to your husband get your husband to kick up a fuss with management.
bibo, am sorry for you. why don't your husband pitch in, and speak to this guy in your behalf? you know, man to man talk.
give me that bastards ID number and i'll show him what he gets when messing around with a fellow lebanese woman...el akhou el char....!!!!!
I'm Jack's complete lack of surprise
Great get smoke detectors installed....during routine renovation time....the ones that start the sprinklers.....
But I guess the guy will get the sprinkler shut down :(
and spray cyanide in his pack of cigarettes...
it works everytime i assure you...
serioulsy im a smoker myself...but i've never smoked inside the office , and when i finish my cigarette i avoid being near my colleaugues (which is very hard cause they're always trying to be close to me...can't resist my sex appeal...hehehehe...
I'm Jack's complete lack of surprise
I did that already... didn't work... but I might just send him an email explaining him the dangers of passive smoking... CCing HR, who knows?
Bestheartman and Darude ... I know it's prohibited by law, but we all know how things work inhere!
Rheeza: i got one, but it's suffocating me...
Olive: I am Lebanese.. he's Jordanian/ Palestinian.. yes I agree nationalities matter...
Darude, it all depends on the company policy. My employer operates on a no-smoking environment. it is active in smoking cessation campaigns. but in respect to those who wish to smoke, there are designated areas for people who wish to smoke themselves to death.
the idea is respect the non-smokers. passive smoking is more dangerous, especially for one who is pregnant.
get a fire extinguisher and use it to that guy! lemme see if he will still smoke! lol
Quality dude! Quality!
when you see him smoking get a cricket bat quick and smack the ciggy down his throat AND SHOUT DO YOU UNDERSTAND NOW.
Your question is irrelevant and will not provide any solution, it will only ignite the discussion.
in offices by law?
Bibo, Can I just ask what your nationality is and what your co-workers is?
(Before anyone says nationality has nothing to do with blah blah blah, anyone who's been here for more then a nano-second knows that culturally different nationalities will respond differently to certain other nationalities and to women in general)
get a musk. :-X
Smoking is prohibited in offices ---- if they are not carening u u also start not to care them --- go out after 2 Hrs. for 10 to 15 mints for fresh Air---- and if someone ask tell them all this ----
Put a notice on the wall infront of him that ' THANKS FOR NOT SMOKING'-or- smoking is forbidden in this area'.. lets see whether he has some common sence or not...
This guy is obviously insensitive and selfish.. I have already tried speaking to him and his answer was: well, I don't promise you!!!
Laurana... what a lovely idea..... !!! suits me fine....
but I don't imagine myself working in this company anymore if I do it lol
Cheesecake: well... my guy smokes all day!!
yes smoking is prohibited in offices..
even in my office there is a fire alarm system ..if smoke of cigrette spread in room ..alarm is automatically started..
i share the same situation, except that i am not officemate & I use the same room/office,as soon as i see him reaching for his lighter to start smoking, i stand up, take my mobile phone, my water/cup of coffee and leave, i sit somewhere else and i don't get intimidated if any of the higher management sees me...i simply say -"he's" smoking again and i won't allow myself to get sick cuz of that.
all over his desk and then tell him is because cigarettes smoke. If it will not change anything do it again and again. I am sure he will not be able to resist....
Bibo - I really feel for you, have you confronted the guy? Is he a father? Ask him how he would feel if someone was smoking in close proximity to his wife if she was preggers.
How awful, sorry to hear - it's unbelievable how selfish some people can be - if they want to damage their own lungs go for it, but to put other people's health in harm is selfish. There should be a law against smoking in offices spaces like this, it's not fair the whole room has to suffer because of one persons habit. Can't believe the management are not taking it seriously..
i hate smokers too........its impossible to enter certain places without inhaling that sick foul odor
Pay peanuts & you get Monkeys
OMG! this isn't healthy, I know you're worried about the baby. I've been there before, and know first hand how it feels when an insensitive colleague stuffs your sinuses and eyes with this awful smoke.
bibo, i think it's not worth staying on there if the concerned department doesn't seem to be doing something about it.. you are pregnant and you and your baby's health is more important.. if you do decide to resign, hope you find a more worthwhile job.. i hope that jerk really chokes and swallows his cigarette... yeah, farting is not as harmful as smoking, maybe if it was really smelly.. ;)
I wish that... my office space is in the middle of nowhere... It looks like a room, but with separators not walls...
The whole office looks like an underground shelter... no windows at all!! the only light I get is from my precious neon bulbs... and the only air I get is from the AC ducts!
That's how bad it is
Believe me... last night, I was discussing this with my husband, I think I might just resign, with a big long formal resignation letter, sent to the labor department, explaining WHY I decided to quit my job.
I will be losing thousands... and in this period of recession, it doesn't make sense... but I just can't take it anymore...
with my pregnancy hormones, I feel I will end up "farting" in his face... but too bad, even farting is not as harming as smoking... lol...
Oh bibo, you just mentioned you work in an open area, wouldn't that bring in more current into your own space, that's ought to refresh the still air?
"we are confident the situation will change soon" (???) goodness me, what kind of a response is that! like hell it'll change... "we are working on this issue"... (3 months huh) geez, if that's how long they usually take (or longer) to resolve a simple issue as that, they must take gazillions of years to resolve a complicated one... unbelievable!
I don't think that would solve it, he has no bit of sensitivity, ignorant and is a criminal.
bibo, can you buy your own fan or purifier and have it by your desk? open windows or sit close to your office door to get a draft?
WTF!!! tell that idiot to go out and smoke!!!
- Listen to Many...Speak to a Few -
I myself cna't beleive it!!!
The HR keeps sending me replies: "We are confident the situation will change soon.", "We are working on this issue",... it's been 3 months now!!
This guy has been working in this company for ages... he is middle aged and old mentality, he is a manager ... and they are all smokers (not in the office though), so they don't take my complaint seriously...
If it means anything... I am in a senior managerial position! and no one is taking my complaint seriously! I am unfortunate to work in an open space, because of lack of closed rooms!!
smoking inside the office? that is just unacceptable.. what an inconsiderate ass.. i hope he chokes on his cigarette...
that irritates him.
How could your management and HR ignore your plea in this manner? And isn't smoking strictly prohibited in workplaces?