QP Applications and Telephone Interview Invite
Hi Folks,
I've been looking through the forums here and there are lots of helpful posts.
I have a few questions that I have not seen specific answers for.
My fiancee and I both sent in applications to QP (me - mechanical engineer/sales w/ 6 years experience, her - education w/ 9 years experience) on March 4, 2014. We are both living in Canada, I am Canadian and she is Brazilian.
I have not yet received a response back but she received an invite for a technical telephone interview on March 23 and they asked for her availability and contact details and said they would confirm a date she will be contacted on. They also mentioned that if required, she may be invitied for a final interview in Qatar and they would arrange all transportation.
She replied to their email within 24 hours and sent another follow up email on that thursday stating her availability over the next few weeks.
It is now April 1 and she has not yet received a response indicating when the phone interview will be.
Is this normal and should she just continue to wait or should she try to email or call back again? I know patience is part of the process with QP, but just wondering if it's normal to wait this long to find out when they will call.
This is for a position at the Ras Laffan Emergency College.
On our applications, we indicated that we were both applying and that we would be getting married before moving to Qatar. Do you think the fact that she has been selected for an interview helps my chances of being selected? I know sometimes it takes months to get the first reply to your application so I'm being patient, but just wondering others' experiences and if they prefer to hire couples as this saves on costs to hire two people.
I was able to connect with a QP recruiter on LinkedIn and have some other potential contacts through friends on there. Should I use these connections to talk to people at QP and try to see if they can help with my application?
I appreciate any help you can offer and hopefully you can give us some good advice.
Thanks everyone.
Dear I also got telephonic interview call from qatar petroleum on 23 march 2014.
My interview was good. I had done short technical interview. After what they will do. Still i didn't heard from qatar petroleum.
Please reply me on my email address [email protected]
Something will happen ... .....
Wed , 02.04.2014 , 06.56hrs ..............................................................................................
Patience is a virtue my friend and I know for a fact that applicants like you is anxious to get employed but honestly, it all boils down to 1) you or your GF's qualification and their requirements. When are they going to hire entirely depends on them. An initial interview or a phone patch interview doesn't mean a thing. Either it is the beginning of something or the end of your application.
You can use all of social media contacts or friends to follow-up but honestly, it won't help. It is a rarity for someone to lift a finger or extend job assistance to a person they hardly know. If a job is meant for you by all means, its for you. Getting a job on your own is fulfilling and satisfying while asking someone you hardly knew is cheap and unethical (my point of view).
Cheers and I wish you luck in your job search.