Qatar Airways

By alexandra2016 •
I have heaps of questions about Qatar Airways and their recruitment process. Can you guys recommend a Qatar Airways job discussion board/site/blog? A site that is aimed at questions/answers in regards to Qatar Airways recruitment process. A group/site where people are willing to guide/help/advice people who want to know more about Qatar Airways recruitment process?
I dont know if im alone in this or not, but it has been nearly impossible for me to find info about this
Thanks/ Alexandra
Sorry for the delay.. detailed message sent
You should really read this before signing a contract with Qatar Airways. Not worth it
:::wild turkey::: can you be kind and share the link to that FB group? either via the comments here or send me a pm...i would be thankful
::: mackie7::: i have sent you a pm THANK YOUUUUUUUUU
There is a Facebook account for Qatar Airways employees.
Good luck Alexandra .. Please send us a photo of yourself in your new uniform and high heeled stillettos one you have got the job :O)
PM sent
iswariya i dont think you understood my question, im trying to find discussion forums, blogs or sites where people discuss their recruitment experiences with Qatar Airways. If anyone could recommend such a site, that would be awesome :-)
c in qatar living jobs