Pet Shop in Qatar

By nana88hambal •
hi there people!
im looking to start up a pet shop here in qatar. the problem is i don't know how to go about the legal requirements here in qatar...any1 have any idea on how can i find out about this? and also what licenses am i supposed to acquire before starting up?
your feedback will realy be helpful!
Thank you
I highly doubt they would let a pet shop sell animals in a mall but as long as it was a good quality pet shop with reasonably priced accessories & equipment then it would do well.
You would need to go to the Animal Resource Department on Airport road to get their regulations & requirements for licenses.
Judging from the state of the pet shops here, it can't be difficult to get a license and if they're not actually selling animals then there won't be a problem.
chelsea and oryx
i should have been more clear when i said intend on opening a pet shop here! i work for a mall, and i had an idea to lease out an empty shop at our mall to open a pet shop. the pet shop definitely won't be from qatar, we're plannning on bringing in an international brand here in qatar. as i said its just an idea, and i understand how animals are treated here at pet shops. hence, im asking about the legal requirements to open a pet shop. i definitely dont have the knowledge on taking care of animals that's is why i want to bring in a professional company who understands this industry and has the needed experience. thanx for your input.
Unfortunately most people don't think they need to be qualified to run a pet shop because they're "only" animals.
If someone did their research properly, brought in good quality food & equipment and didn't sell animals it would be great. But the chances are it'll be another hellhole full of sick animals and cheap rubbish from China.
its says on your profile that you are a marketing executive.
what qualifications do you have to look and care for animals???
I have never seen a decent pet shop in Qatar - they are all a disgrace - I hope if you intend to open one then you are qualified and will be the first decent pet shop.
But actually there are many pets that need adoptions - please contact QAWS :)
What kind of pet shop? One that sells animals or one that sells good quality pet accessories?
first you have to get clearance from QAWS.