Need help from an independant school teacher.

Hi, I am a person planning to make a move towards qatar as a Maths teacher. So, I have some questions.I would be grateful if some one could help me clear my doubts on the following.
Thank you !!!
What would be the typical salary for a government K-12 Mathematics teacher and do the schools offer accommodation ?
What are the school times in government schools and when do the kids go on their vacation?
Do the teachers get paid during the vacation periods?
Is the government syllabus more advanced than a typical INTERNATIONAL curriculum?
Thanks a bunch for your time!
lol i agree..
Still.. i better start saving some up otherwise i'll NEVER get to marry right? ;)
My brother, This will you an excuse to stay unmarried for three more years .... salary is not yet sufficient, like this & that....
Look at the benefits.
:) that's something only a rich person would say :P so, thanks thanks!
Come, use this opportunity to practice some spiritualty, connect to the creator, which is much easier at medium positions & salaries, take advantage of it, my friend.
Money is not every thing, fly in here soon !
its a 3 year contract sire.. so i think i better have a damn good idea as to what I am getting myself into.
Thank you for your time!
I am afraid that you may decide to reject this offer after discussing for so long.
You want to run away from reality, temporarily.
I was also talking about government schools.i thought government schools were also called independent schools.
I work in a government school sorry.
Hey MT, do you know whether they teach in English medium in independent schools? and dont they have like, staff quarters or something for the teachers?
thanks in advance!
Thanks for your comment.. I wouldn't mind taking that risk butt.. The issue is its a 3 year contract and the way I heard is, the contracts are very strict in Qatar. they even take the passport away from you. is that correct?
Come and join, as you have been selected...decide after having some experience leave or keep, it's up to you.
Yes....well, if you are not that experienced and you are not a native English speaker then perhaps 7000QR would be about right for you unfortunately. You could come out on a visit visa for 3months and see if you can find anything else.
Good Luck!
and btw my aim is to save at-least 3500qr per month.
Hi there! I guess you are a professional teacher correct? Could you help me out with some questions. I need to know whether I would stand a chance in getting a better offer than 7k. I am a maths teacher, with very little experience. But i do have a BSc with maths as a subject. I am not a native English speaker. Is it possible to come there on a visit visa and then find a job?
7000 is not good at all....I couldn't survive on that. Depends on how much you need to send home and what you think you will spend here in Qatar.
thanks for the comment. really is the situation that bad? then its gonna be a lot of fun I guess lol. The salary scales are very unfair it seems and the way I heard it, usually the foreign teacher end up doing all the work as well. Do you have any idea about the situation in international school teachers salaries and all? and do the independent schools offer accommodation for teachers?
have a pleasant evening!
yes 7000 all inclusive is what I have been offered at the moment. I just want to make sure that I am not been taken for a ride or anything.
And for the standard of the curricula: Qatar scores before Kazakhstan in the PISA studies. Kazakhstan normally has the lowest scores.
If you are a Qatari you start with QR 24.000 and can be promoted up to QR 48.000 as a teacher at a "Government" school. Foreigners start and stay at around QR 7.000 to QR 16.000. You better think twice or change your nationality!
post suggests that you are being offered a flat rate of QR 7,000/month.
Now what is this?