Morning Traffic - 01st September

By brutus_ceasar •
Good Morning Guys & Gals
I would just comment on my morning travel to work, this is the most pleasant travel ever this year.. Going to work this is morning is a breeze. no traffic congestion and even the traffic light is on my side. Great way to start your day. Have nice day..
Ramadan Kareem..
Hi All.. I'm about to leave the office to dive head first to the onslaught of people who wishes to get home early. Insahaallah I can get home in one piece.
Heard your wife left you,
How upset you must be.
But don't fret about it...
She moved in with me.
im in the office... parking is full though :(
but the weather is nice, i hope summer will start to bid goodbye... :)
Morning People! Ramadan Kareem! Surprisingly it was a good drive to office for me too (in Bangalore, India)- about 12kms in 20mins... not bad eh!!!
I dream of a better tomorrow where Chickens can cross the Road without having their motives questioned - Unknown
today and it would be until the schools open again next week. The real pain starts as Novi said in the afternoon, all are leaving the office in the same time as no lunch breaks are there and 6 hours is the total of what you have to work.
Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment. (Gautama Buddha)
I also had a wonderful drive to Messaid ( I should be in office at 7)
You can't teach experience...
LoL thexonic .......
Ramadan Kareem (not Cream... LoL ) 2 U my friend ...!!!
Good morning everyone and Ramadan Cream :D
(Lebanon A piece of Heaven on Earth)
Lol Tallg ...
I have to agree. The journey from my bedroom to the living room was a doddle this morning.
Indeed before which, Ramadan Kareem To All of y'll...
May Allah bless you and your families with the best of happiness and good health for a long long time...!!!
Alright, indeed as people have mentioned here...Traffic this morning was a walk through!!! Aaaah a Sheer Driving pleasure...!!!
So people, whats happening this morning!!!
yep, i agree.. it's the most pleasant travel to work i've had since coming here.. i was expecting heavy traffic at the abu hamour r/a as always, but to my surprise, all the cars were just zooming by..... hmm, i sure hope it stays that way,... or not..........
brutus, you can stay longer at work, unfortunately i cant ask my son to stay longer at school lol .
HI Novi and Baldrick.. it was really fun this morning and I'm planning to stay a little longer after work, coz that's when the challenge will start.. hehehehe..
Heard your wife left you,
How upset you must be.
But don't fret about it...
She moved in with me.
During 7 yrs living in Doha, my morning school run always great during Ramadan. The fun started when i collect my son from school about 1pm ish ....
Seems Ramadan driving fever had set in after only 1 hour of daylight this morning!
Wobbling all over the road, taking 2 lanes, braking for no apparent reason, doing 80 in the outside lane in a 120 zone, sleeping at traffic lights and parking where the heck they like - all this in a 30 minute drive to Messaid!
Baldrick - Qatar's answer to Google ;o)
Khanan it really made day, having to travel to work for just under 15 mins.. But just like you usually travel time is less than 45 mins..
Cheers man..
Heard your wife left you,
How upset you must be.
But don't fret about it...
She moved in with me.
i was preparing myself for worse traffic scenario before leaving from home to office...but like u to my surprize,its the least traffic i have ever seen...
very pleasent..and really good expreience..
my journey time to office in summer time=15 mins
==========================in peak hours= 35-45 mins
and today it was just 11 mins.
Have Courage To Live.
Anyone Can Die.