medical exam chest xray

Hi, Ive been here in Qatar for a month and I had my repeat xray inmedical commission 9days ago. They didn't tell me why I had to go for repeat xray so I decided to go apollo clinic to check what's wrong and I had xray there. The result was BOTH LUNGS ARE CLEAR EXCEPT FEW CALCIFIED FOCI SCATTEREDIN BOTH LUNG FIELDS. Until now, I haven't heard anything from the my company or medical commission itself. I don't have any history for ptb. When I had my med exam in the philippines before leaving, same thing happened. They requested for a repeat xray because there were some suspicious densities on the first one. The result of the second xray with 2 views was clear and negative of any disease. I cAlled admin office sterday but they said medical commission didn't send any feedback yet. Do you have any idea how long it usually takes for the result to be out? Thanks.
Hello everyone, I also have the same problem with my x-ray but my scars is caused by my stab wound on my left chest and they had to insert some kind of long tube to my left chest to draw out the blood that accumulated inside my lung. This happened way back before 2005. But since then everytime I get an x-ray it always shows up in the film the scar that I have in my lungs, and now that I am starting up my career her in Doha as a waiter the same problem occurred and did test me for mantoux(ppd) and the result is negative this was May 20,2016 when I did my medical and today they ask me to come back again at the medical commission for xray and now I am getting worried to what is wrong with my xray.
Hello everyone, I also have the same problem with my x-ray but my scars is caused by my stab wound on my left chest and they had to insert some kind of long tube to my left chest to draw out the blood that accumulated inside my lung. This happened way back before 2005. But since then everytime I get an x-ray it always shows up in the film the scar that I have in my lungs, and now that I am starting up my career her in Doha as a waiter the same problem occurred and did test me for mantoux(ppd) and the result is negative this was May 20,2016 when I did my medical and today they ask me to come back again at the medical commission for xray and now I am getting worried to what is wrong with my xray.
Hello everyone, I also have the same problem with my x-ray but my scars is caused by my stab wound on my left chest and they had to insert some kind of long tube to my left chest to draw out the blood that accumulated inside my lung. This happened way back before 2005. But since then everytime I get an x-ray it always shows up in the film the scar that I have in my lungs, and now that I am starting up my career her in Doha as a waiter the same problem occurred and did test me for mantoux(ppd) and the result is negative this was May 20,2016 when I did my medical and today they ask me to come back again at the medical commission for xray and now I am getting worried to what is wrong with my xray.
Hello everyone, I also have the same problem with my x-ray but my scars is caused by my stab wound on my left chest and they had to insert some kind of long tube to my left chest to draw out the blood that accumulated inside my lung. This happened way back before 2005. But since then everytime I get an x-ray it always shows up in the film the scar that I have in my lungs, and now that I am starting up my career her in Doha as a waiter the same problem occurred and did test me for mantoux(ppd) and the result is negative this was May 20,2016 when I did my medical and today they ask me to come back again at the medical commission for xray and now I am getting worried to what is wrong my xray.
hi norielle, did you pass your medical here in qatar?
Hi friends
I came to Qatar few days ago on 13-07-2016 I have not went to medical yet I have scar on my both lungs when I was a kid I suffered with Pneumonia disease but I don't have any problem or any diseases in India I have gone through with many tests but nothing has found my every report is normal but the only thing is I have scar on my both lungs.
what should I do I am worrying a lot not understanding what to do, then I thought better to discuss on this site. please plz give some suggestion to deal with this problem....
waiting for your response
Hi friends
I came to Qatar few days ago on 13-07-2016 I have not went to medical yet I have scar on my both lungs when I was a kind I suffered with Pneumonia disease but I don't have any problem or any diseases in India I have gone through with many tests but nothing has found my every report is normal but the only thing is I have scar on my both lungs.
what should I do I am worrying a lot not understanding what to do, then I thought better to discuss on this site. please plz give some suggestion to deal with this problem....
waiting for your response
Hello everyone,
Medical commission sent me to Rumailah Hospital for check up.
I have done PPD, Blood test and 2 times sputum test.
Reading of PPD was 16 mm. Is it positive ?
Nobody is telling anything there. My PRO told me that he also don't know anything anout what is going on.
Now they have told me to come back on 18 October.
After 1 and half month ? why?
Will it take this much time to get the test results?
Please help me.
Please share if anyone knows about what is going there?
Hi, i did my Xray and blood test at Al Emadi on 3rd March 2015. The blood test is clear. But Xray shows nodular shadows. still i did not get any result from medical commission. Is therre anything to worry about? Incase of doubt will they ask for some more test or just X-rays?
Hi norielle, what happened to your medical? Please provide update. Thanks
Norielle, any updates in you medical?
Yesterday I had my Medical Exam.. And I had problems with my X-Ray.. I had 2 batches of X-Ray.. First I had is twice and then after some minutes the assistance called my name and told me i need to repeat my xray. They xray-ed me for about 6 times or more.. Now I am waiting for the result, hopefully everything will go well, also to you.. Lets wait and pray.. God is good..
Thank u, i dont smoke at all and im living a healthy lifestyle. I was asthmatic before and had bronchitis also. Maybe some scars were left.
Pray hard , good luck my friend ............. 'Stop smoking' tell this to all around your friends ....... Wed , 18.06.2014 , 09.00 hrs .
Dear, There is nothing to worry. Pray to god and give some amount to poor people with intention that you r spending the by the sake of god. Surely GOD will help you.
The same thing was happened to me when i underwent medical examination here in qatar med commission. Also it was heppened to my friend. It tooks maximum of one month and both of us to got passed.
My friend had scare on his lungs and i had mucos in my lungs. Nothing to worry and please donate some amount to poor people by the sake of GOD
Check online result..If nothing go to medical commission and check with staff there