Manager Request to Work on a restday without pay

By microdriguez •
Hello Guys!
Our company is new here in Doha and it has been 4 months running without profit. It is indicated on our contract that we have no work every friday and saturday. However recently, the manager talked to us that he need "extra effort" from us to catch up with the sales and his solution is that we will go to work halfday on a saturday. There will be no overtime pay but they will give an additional transpo allowance.
Is this legal? Any advice or opinion please. Thanks in advance.
When you are at work place, never count the efforts, never look at the watch ................................
Money is not everything in a man's life ............... It's pure gold of pleasure if you help a guy when asked for once in a while ..............
thank you very much guys for the information, really appreciate your comments
Overtime has to be paid according to the Labor Law. But: nobody gives a damn for laws in Qatar.
Dear Microdriguez,
I hope you have got your salary for last 4 months.
If that is so, Your managers decision is correct at this moment.
Please try to help yourself by helping the manager and company.
Another point not relevant to you Microdriguez,
I am watching for some time, one of the commentator always, kidding or getting different kind of enjoyment by citing a quote commented by another some time ago.
My humble request is, Please don’t continue this. This habit is equal to lose the rewards what you already gained for nothing.
I have no any group or supporting partners in this forum. My comments are independent.
Why I said this is, I do not wish to neglect when one of my beloved brother earning sin for nothing. After my quote, if this is continues I have no issues.
My job is only to put forward the truth. Following and not following is depend upon the individual.
Dear Sir,
Please check whether you have two day weekend holidays is in your offer letter or contract that have been attested by Ministry of Labour.
Usually in contract it will be only one day holiday. Any thing apart from contract is illegal.
Looking into the company situation there is no harm in putting extra effort for the survival of company because without company their will be no job.
Sheen Services WLL
Mic my pal .. Your sponsor is like your father .. He needs your help .. Try it for three Fridays
Most companies here usually work full day on Saturdays and half day on Thursdays. I guess it is okay. Solve the matter within yourselves and your company HR people. You need to keep the company running also for your own benefit. I would not suggest you go to any authorities such as Human Rights.
It is not legal in my opinion. However, if the company is in trouble and "everyone" agrees to do this , then it might be better to comply for a short period.
If you are unhappy with this , then don't do it and take your case to the Human Rights Commission