Iraq & medical facilities

I have been requested by someone to look for Indian doctors who are willing to work in Iraq. It seems Iraq's health system has been very badly affected by the war & the acts of terrorism after the war. There is an acute shortage of medical staff. I promised my friends to help them, but the question which lingers in my mind is that there are so many Iraqi medical professionals here. Won't it be nicer if they helped their own country rather than outsiders helping out?
This is not a question of money as we all know our life is dearer to us than money. It is about helping out people. I am sure some of the Indian doctors are already there risking everything, and not even for monetary reasons.
Maybe you should try docs from a certain Arab country that's famous for fake degrees and certificates.
I heard that when they implemented the JCI accreditation and started checking the authenticity of certificates, almost all the quacks from this 'country' escaped.
'Demobilizing' any Indian doctor from Qatar is going to be difficult however persuading doctors practicing in India to relocate to Iraq might work on monetary attractions. But remember, doctors in India make a lot of money as well.
I pay for it. It's not a present!
You do if you want a passport with an RP in it.
No, I did everything by myself, Bachus. And, honestly, I don't need a country.
Has your country done nothing for you LP?
If my "country needed me badly", I would say:" Sorry, you have done nothing for me, so why should I do anything for you."
Would your country not be better off if you and your family improved it rather than living in Qatar?
But what if your countryu needs you badly?
I don't think that somebody would leave the "safety" of Qatar to risk his life in Iraq unless he gets a US$ 10.000 per month extra.