I need help or an advice regards exit visa

Good day,
My company closed last April 20,2011 and eversince that day I am talking consistently with the company sponsor to send me home. They are denying to give me an exit visa for me to leave the country telling that the main company which is located in Bahrain must send the funds to cover my settlement and fees for the ticket. (My company did not paid my salary from January 2011 till it closed).
I told them that if getting all my settlements is out of reach then at least process my exit visa and ticket so I can go home and be with my family (since I am staying here in Qatar up till now, my visa expired and it is daily accumulating penalties which now became another reason for them to tell me to wait for funds to cover that)
The company sponsor already took all company possessions such as computers, printers, a plotter and even 4 or 5 company cars which includes a Prado). I already went to the Labor department but nothing happened. I also went for high court but they are not accepting the complaints and saying that they are not "the company" they are only "the sponsor".
All I can do right now is to wait and talk to them which i think is going nowhere and time keeps on passing by with me stuck in Qatar( I am only being helped by my friends here, and my family send me support for food)
What are my options?
Is there any way for me to get out of qatar?
And do they have the right to keep me in a situation like this? that i cannot leave Qatar unless money is sent from the company in Bahrain which obviously not participating?
I am thinking of doing that but afraid that it will take another 2 months or so for me leave Qatar again and I don't think my budget will keep me alive the next month or two and also the stress that my family needs me since my father just recovered from a stroke and he needs my support that is why I need to start working
I will try one more time today and if it is not really possible I'll go to the human rights Thanks
I went to POLO before and told me that they can't do anything above the law here in Qatar that I need to go to the labor dept. but they also informed me that if all else fails and I just want to go home, is to provide them a fare ticket and they will arrange me for deportattion procedure
Thanks for the info
contact the immigration authorities as well.
Go to human rights committee and give a complaint there.
Try posting in the FILEXPAT GROUP and maybe the group would be able to think of something to help you out. I was done before so I think it could be possible.
Go post there...good luck.