How to say no to your Boss ...
Your boss assigning you too much work
It can be tough to tell your boss you have a problem with the amount of work he or she is assigning you, but it's possible if you can make your boss feel safe, one Expert says. Start with facts instead of harsh judgments or vague conclusions and let your boss know you care about his interests and respect him, he says.
If your boss asks you to do something like run his errands or work all weekend and you can't (or don't feel like you should have to), focus on what you can do, says Susan Fletcher, a psychologist, author and speaker.
"The next time your boss asks you to go pick up his or her dry cleaning, instead of saying no, say, 'What I can do is cover your phone calls for you while you are out of the office,'" Fletcher suggests. "Or if your boss asks you to start up a new company initiative, instead of saying no, say, 'What I can do is brainstorm with you on the strategy for the initiative and help get the proper team members in place who can execute the strategy."
Last Question: Is there any different in behaviour between Qatari Boss, Indian Boss, Phillipino Boss, Western Boss, etc?? Anyone can share please...
these strategies will never work... give her your hand and she'll take your whole arm... so better keep a distance and treat her in a professional level, avoid being too personal with her like being nice and kissing and hugging (Arabic way of greeting) every morning to start the day or else you'll find yourself leaving your duty during office hours to run an errand for her in the souq :(
hahaha really ma this is truth..always say yes yes!
“The fool speaks, the wise man listens”