How people see God

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I'm might give him a go. What's his view on apostates? Hopefully not murder if I change my mind later.
Hmmmm challenge - going to forego the obvious Greek/Roman thing and go Ejipshun - Im thinking Amun Ra
"....who comes at the voice of the poor in distress, who gives breath to him who is wretched..You are Amun, the Lord of the silent, who comes at the voice of the poor; when I call to you in my distress You come and rescue me...Though the servant was disposed to do evil, the Lord is disposed to forgive."
That may just have been him on a good day and the hell fire and damnation may have come later in the week but all in all, he seems to have his sh.. together??
Ohhh nice choice. I've changed my mind I'm going with Prometheus. Damn, he's not a god, he just stole fire from the Gods. Oh, no more than one of them, are they all Greek or Roman Gods... It's all so confusing.
Can anyone recommend which is the best god? (preferably one that is not into punishment and killing, but more into love and having a good time. Condoms are good too.)
Now that City Centre is open again, Im going with Hermes as number one...........
Please share with your friends...ssshhh... who supplies you with crack?
god has right to laugh ..why not.. we are all belong to him.. He created us from there is nothing which we own..all is given by him...
dracula's suicide map urgently needed:
someone is looking to see God. seems in a hurry too!
LP, I don't think Zeus is the same as Jehova, or Odin the same as Vishnu. I kinda like Thor though, he had a big hammer.
one world one god
There can also be many God's too....
It's only different names for the same, moza.
Many come and many passed away but still god is laughing.yes my friend your intention might be pure But problem is that now a days no one likes to be pure specially in front of other.....never put such a topic where people may put their input.
There is only one God? At the last count humanity had around 7000 different ones through the ages, how to select the right one. So confused.
You'll see on the day of,be good and let others live good.,
there is only One Ruler One God
Church and corrupution are inseperable, they are even next to each other in the dictionary!
Totally blank stare as the tumbleweed rolls past .......
What if going to effect to all. Not clear from your comments.
Put it in Religious Teachings!