How is it to work for Qatar Airways?

By x_kRikKa_x •
Hello, everybody :)
I've just signed up to this forum, because I entered Qatar Airways to work as Cabin Crew and I'm joining the company on December 15th.
I'd like to know if someone knows how it is to work in Qatar and for Qatar Airways?
I've read some things that didn't sound very pleasant about working for the company, so I wanted to get some exclusive feedback. I'd love to hear the good and bad aspects of working for it, so I can be prepared for the reality of it.
Best Regards for all!
Your right...
I'm at work but a little nap is in order...
You can't teach experience...
to stay awake...why s tht chief...
" Live Life To The Fullest ! Enjoy Yourself "
Actually I'm trying hard to stay awake...
You can't teach experience...
i'm sure this has got you interested right
wats up chief....
" Live Life To The Fullest ! Enjoy Yourself "
Easy to get??? LOL
I never heard that before...
You can't teach experience...
Every job has its ups and downs, the good part and the bad don't you bother yourself with all those...give any and every job your best...and expect nothing in return, when you do this, anything that you get in return is a champ, take it easy ... yes QA is rather a bit more tough to work in, but hey if you are at your best while on -duty and off-duty, then don't you worry girl, and moreover as Smokey boy mentioned...don't forget your friends girl...*pointing to smokey and myself*...
Cheers...anything else just ask and get loaded with a range of views...ultimately at the end of the day its your call chief, if you can, then go for it, otherwise forget simple as it can get buddy...
Cheers...and ofcourse, welcome to QL and QA...
" Live Life To The Fullest ! Enjoy Yourself "
Whaaat? Installing cameras in the acommodations? :o Well', they'll get really bored of watching me sleep with my mouth opened. hehe
I'm not really worried about the rules of going home early and not sleeping over anywhere else. And if they have to fire me... well, I come back to my family, so it's not that bad ;).
I hope I'll success on dealing with everything.
they have a HUGE staff turn over.
My friend works in a bank and deals with all the termination letters...
she says it is astonishing.
Get the experience - don't see it as a long term job and always have a good alternative.
Boa Sorte
Bottom line, Everyone holds Qatar Airways girl as the MOST easy to get girls in Qatar, probably easiest after Prostitutes. So Goodluck & take alot of care even from your male/female crew members & specially your Old perverted Captains
well just recently i meet one old chick there but she still is hmmmm :D
what hot chicks you referring to ??? mmm seems like you know a lot about QA do tell how ??
great i wish i could work there too its a nice place to work alot of hot chicks around :D
and alot of benefits.
U should have asked before u joined up... !!
ALot of rules and regulations..
No going out pass 3.30am not staying over at anyones place weather it being a guy or a girl...
some other examples...
better hope youre hat is on striaght .. or else "termination"
no complains from passengers or else " termination"
other than that ...
oh yeah they are installing cameras in all accommodations to monitor youre movement ... "have to be confirmed"
read other forums good luck try and stand up for youre self if what i can advise chao !
i dont want to be done by anyone with a dong! :p
Where there is Fire...There is Coke. Where there is Rum..There is Smoke - Sir Smoke-a-Lot
Who wants to do a fat cat???
You can't teach experience...
Now ur just being one wants to invite me anywhere :(
Where there is Fire...There is Coke. Where there is Rum..There is Smoke - Sir Smoke-a-Lot
They can sneak over to my place...
You can't teach experience...
one thing about QA is u have to be on ur toes, no second chances for goofups unless ur really lucky. When the CEO will make a surprise check and yes there's also on the spot firing. Last i read here on the forum is that Female Staff cant get out of their accomodation after 10 pm was it? But hey dont let that spoilt anything for u just enjoy what u can every job has its ups and downs...and dont forget ur "friends" ahem! *points towards himself*
Where there is Fire...There is Coke. Where there is Rum..There is Smoke - Sir Smoke-a-Lot
I heard they sux...
But always the disgrunteledon here...
Yeah drink minitures if it sux...
And call me...
You can't teach experience...
Hurray now i can have a cabin crew friend that will give me extra rum miniatures on the flight :) welcome to the forum, about QA whatever u've heard bad about them must be all true..but i'm sure u'll find out for urself when u start working :D
Where there is Fire...There is Coke. Where there is Rum..There is Smoke - Sir Smoke-a-Lot
well that depends totally on you to a limit i guess .. it shouldnt be much of a problem .. if you could check up on older posts you will get to see a lot of varied opinions about the place and the job .. but its all totally how you see it to be .. dont worry :) it shall be fine .. all the very best ..
life goes on ..
i will give u 6month than u will go to emarts airlines
no.1 in qatar
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