Home leave for maid

Some recently arrived friends asked me how often maids are given home leave and for how long. They have a new maid starting work next week.
I know the law is every two years, but what is the practice?
We send our maid home every summer for six weeks. My family is gone then too, so there is no reason to make her sit alone in our villa, and she has here own family to see.
I feel that once a year is preferrable as they too need to see their family back home and a break from their work as we normally wish for. We usually send during our annual leave and our last maid was happy in this arrangement. Our present maid does not wish for once a year and so it all depends on what they wish for- once a year or twice.
Twice a year should be good enough... going once a year makes them attend to so many things that they cannot enjoy their holidays and relax themselves.
After all even maids are humans. As we need a break and a vacation from our work, so also they need it too.
Actually, I ask her when she wants to go! It differs year-to-year, depending on her family.
alumnar, it is good to know that there are still people like you who looks after their fellow human being...wait, or should i address this to your house maid?!
im jack's cold sweat
Ask yourself what is reasonable for yourself. Is it fair to go longer than a year without seing your family - whatever paperwork or others say?
For me it is once a year for one month, flights and salary paid for. Bonus at Christmas (ours got a laptop instead plus 500 Riyals). Some money in an envelope with a card on her birthday.
We send ours every year at Christmas--when we go away ourselves for long period.
But I am guessing most sponsors send their maids as little as possible. Hate to say it, but it really depends on the nationality and lifestyle of the sponsor. There are reasons why maids prefer to work for some nationalities, and this is probably one.