Handmade lovers

To all those who like to do things with their own hands such as crochet, knitting, embroidery, sewing, ceramics, painting, etc. we should join hands and create our own forum to share ideas and create beautiful projects. Then we can start an exhibition and be proud of ourselves. This will not only teach us how to go one extra mile and learn ideas embellish our hobbies, but also learn how to start a business and be successful. Who knows perhaps you will be the one.
You know anybody doing ceramic pottery at home....or can u reply to my question... At what temperature we can bake the clay... If u know anyone pls give the numbe4
Phidias also sculptured a statue in marble and fell in love with it, so much, that the Gods had mercy and gave her life.
Is lovely, I also make that stuff, and is a wonderfull idea. congratulation!my work it could be seen also here :)
hi its a great idea, i would like to join as well but teenni tiny problem i do crochet and i can't find gud yarn over here or crochet thread.
btw nice work.
we should get in touch :)
Hi all,
Thanks for your comments. The name is not so important than the idea itself, of gathering a group of people who like doing things with their own hands and feel proud of their works. Quilting is just a part of this idea, if you have any pictures or projects, please share them with us. I have few magazines and tried once to do a project, it is a great fun.
You could star something like the quilting groups..
Coz its a craft made by hands and you want to reach out to those who love them and/or who loves to make them
The title IS confusing....IMO.
I love doing things with my hands too ..
You do not know what it is like, until you finish your handmade project. Only then you understand what happiness means. A pure happy moment you steel it from this life of practicality and materialism.
Elegance, no, I don't think so..more like "fashionista".
Hi AbstractObtuse,
If you are willing to learn, I can teach you. The course is already annouced for on Qatar living though not in more details. Give me a call to see how we can take this furhter. We can discuss this in more details. My mobile is 55592588.
Cheers and good luck
Looks nice. I am interested in learning how to make hand made toys and embroidering during my spare time.
Let me know how you intend to take this further.
lovers are handmade ;D
thanks for your comment but did not understand why the topic is cofusing? What is wrong with the title?
and the topic is a bit confusing...
"Handmade lovers" ??? No joy here. False advertising. Knob between knobs might work.
Nomerci..Are you the khakhi kind? :-)
Not my style, but defo very well done!
Beautiful creation..
I wish you will like this forum and send me your thoughts and comments. Regards