Finding a job

By WahilOmari •
Hello, I am keen to move to Qatar and my experience is in finance with over 14 years experience in th sector in London. I was wondering where I would start with finding jobs ? Any recommended recruiters or hints and tips? Many thanks
There are people who have been waiting for the last 3 years after registering their names with multiple agencies without a single interview call, that is the truth.
WO, It is always fruitful to visit your future place of work. We learn 1000 things when we travel to new & far off places. So make your mind, pack your bags & fly in here.
I believe it's just the same. Coming over to Doha and then applying does not give you any advantages. As such, it is better to apply form the UK, get hired and then come over.
many thanks, do you think applying for a job whilst in the country is easier rather than via the UK considering the sector?
The above comment is far from the truth.
I have several jobs openings from several job sites arriving in my system everyday. Sometimes, it is twice a day.
Advise you overlook that comment and suggest you begin working on what I have stated earlier.
No chance at this moment. New openings are not coming through for the past 3 months.
There are several job sites that advertise job openings of all kind of jobs in Qatar. "Indeed" is one of them. You can register yourself with these job sites and jobs will come into your system on a daily basis. A second option is to advertise in a local daily such as Gulf Times. Should you wish to do this, suggest you have your ad appear on a Sunday. A third option is for you to post your details at Qatar Living job site or follow ads being posted here.