Working Conditions for an English Lecturer at a University in Qatar

Hello everyone,
I am currently working as an ESL / ESP instructor in a university in Turkey and quite interested in for an employment opportunity at a university in Qatar. I wonder what the conditions for an English Instructor are in Qatar according to my background below:
I have both my BA and MA on English Language Teaching. I also have CELTA. I have been teaching for 7 years (2 and a half years at American Cultural Assoc. Language Schools and almost 5 years in higher education.) All the lectures are given in English at the university I currently work due to the high number of international students. I have experience in ESL, EFL and ESP (engineering & business). Regarding the experience abroad like USA / UK, before starting teaching English, I had worked in international property business for 6 years (4 years based in the United Kingdom and 2 years in Turkey). I am not sure if that could be counted effective :)
Oh by the way, I am married (no child) and my wife is an English Teacher in primary school here in Turkey. She also would like to work in Qatar.
I would be happy if you guys could feed me with some information.
All the best.
Hello lion4lion,
I'm happy to hear that. I will go for it!
Kindest regards.
Merhaba Arnoy
As per my Experience with Qatar University (QU) , English for Foundation Program not required PHD.
There are many non-native english speaker teacher. As you said, yes there are some Turkish national as english teacher at QU.
just apply online, and visit the University to see how is the situation will be for you.
In that case, while you may no doubt be a white man but not t-h-a-t type of white man they require as per the criteria they have set!
I guess you may not be able achieve much in your objective here due to the demand for just "native speakers," but do give a try.
Thank you all for your quick responses.
I am a Turkish citizen. As far as I have seen, there are some Turkish citizens working at Qatar University with no phd; therefore, I am not sure if Qatar only welcomes native speakers / Phd holders (for an English instructor at least). In my university here in Turkey, there are native speakers with no ELT background but just the CELTA.
As long as you can handle the class management in addition to your teaching skills, then it shouldn't be a problem, I believe. Anyway, thanks once again.
Thank you all for your quick responses.
I am a Turkish citizen. As far as I have seen, there are some Turkish citizens working at Qatar University with no phd; therefore, I am not sure if Qatar only welcomes native speakers. In my university here in Turkey, there are native speakers with no ELT background but just the CELTA.
As long as you can handle the class management in addition to your teaching skills, then it shouldn't be a problem, I believe. Anyway, thanks once again.
Arnoy, It is as if you have sprinkled salt on the wound { wounds }. Please wait for a single reply which might be of your help even if it is in the next March { 2019 }.
I beg to disagree with both britexpat and Mufti Shahid in that native speakers are not just "preferred" here, they are the only ones "wanted" even if they do not know their own language or the rules of grammar. Non-native speakers are "shunned" (and I have used the word "shunned" correctly) even if their knowledge of the English language surpasses that of native speakers.
That is the irony out here!
Native speakers are preferred. However you may stand a chance if you hold passport of any western English speaking country.
University lecturers usually require a Phd ... I would suggest that you focus on looking at schools .. Having said that , usually , native English speakers are preferred
Hello Arnoy,
I happy to note your post is written in near-perfect English which I don't get to read so often at Qatar Living.
I am using the term "near-perfect" as the word "guys" that you have used in your post, does not exist in the English vocabulary. The word is absolutely American. In British English, the word "guy" refers to a figure of Guy Fawkes burnt on Guy Fawkes Night.
Now coming to your desire of teaching the English language in Qatar, I believe you stand a good chance of finding a teaching job here. In Qatar people believe and believe very firmly, that it is only the "native speakers" of English who really know the language. And they are willing to pay through the nose to get hold of such "native speakers." It is something I firmly believe to be nothing but just hogwash. Added to your qualifications and experience is that you possibly hold a western passport. In the Middle East and that applies to Qatar as well, if you hold a western passport, all the stars in the sky will shine upon you.
As such, give it a try by applying to various schools and educational institutions here, and let the heavenly stars do the rest of the work!
PS: I am not a native speaker of the English language.