End of contract benefits?
Hi my contract was supposed to end at july end this year. Mybe im planning to go for another employer. What are my entitlements or benfits will i get at the end of my contract. Because i think they only give me my salary? But i think its not fair for me right? After 2 years contract. Any advice from here so i can fight for my rights what benifits i can get?
Never argue at leaving time, you may their help again in your future life , be friendly with the staff & your boss .............
But i know u have paid 2 months vacation for 2 years end contract and if ur going to exit plus ur gratuity right?
There are people who work & do not get their salary and here you get 3 weeks salary for not working .. at all ......................
It will be 21 days of basic salary for each year of service up to 5 years.