Customers charges for couriered item purchased abroad

By hotchocolate77 •
Hello folks
I have purchased a few items previously online from the UK and had couriered to Qatar without any additional expense. Today my delivery arrived for an item worth 2500 qr and I was asked for 275 qr for customs? As I have had other items delivered without a customs fee I don't understand the charge. The item purchased was not available here in qatar. Any guidance appreciated!
Try contacting Aramex
Maybe they can help you based on the fact that they do operate in this business.
Phone (Customer Service ): +974 (4) 200100
You do sometimes have to pay customs tax. Unless you are well connected or Qatari, I don't think there is much you can do if the paperwork is in order. Sometimes I have to pay something, sometimes not. One time when I was dealing with a cargo agent he told me the customs was 1000 and I asked why it was so much and he immediately reduced it to 200. But, when Aramex say I have to pay it, I just do