By robinson crusoe •
we are an IT company and did a job for a local company who didnt pay us untill now even we finished the job perfectly since 28th June, 2010.
today its 19th Sep, 2010.! and i dont know how to get this money from my customer.
is there anybody had such experience before?
anybody knows a Dept Collection company who can help?
please advise what we can do in this case?
go to court? what is the procedure?
its an amount of 9.600,-- QAR and i dont know if it worth it but its my work and i cant let it go!
any help, advise would be highly appreciated!
It's too late to ask for help, my friend. I can suggest nothing new, except suing your debtor, but the process might take a long time. And as for the future, if you don't have a good backing here in Qatar, then you better don't do any business. Always work on prepayment basis, unless you know the customer very well and you're sure he won't cheat you. Good luck.
Dear, I feel pity for you, shouldn't happen to anyone.
Still my only advise to you is to begin your journey
with proof of evidences, written contracts, payment
details, work completion reports, purchase invoices,
payment to your employees etc., etc., which are very
essential if you are going to legal proceedings.
Anyway, dont give up hopes, cheater never prospers.
Thx guys! i appreciate your response so much!
its frustrating to see my hard work is so cheap for these people! they were so happy when we delivered them a very professional job which they didn't expect half of its quality, and then started problems and delays and they don't answer my phone calls.
anybody has more information about court?
- which court i have to go to? and the address?
- any other information i have to know regarding going to court?
any help would be highly appreciated.
Unfotunately it seems to be rife- particularly in the construction and related industries. We have total debts average over 6 months old and some more than 12 months. Despite the supposed wealth of the country no one wants to pay their bills. I suggest you start legal action which has been succesful for my company in recouping the outstanding amounts but the process takes 2-3 years!!! first thing to do is get your lawyer to send them a letter threatening to go to court.
We have exactly the same situation but with a bigger amount: 75,000 QR !!
Ask your legal department to get them to the court.