Dear All
Beware. Mamzar Trading Company, located on Salwa Road, has laundered money from many individuals including myself over a bounced-check scheme. The company issued a check of 9500 Riyals for me in exchange for a laptop I sold them. I took the check to Doha Bank on the day I was advised to and i was told there were no funds in the account. After trying to reach the individuals at Mamzar trading office and the person who signed the check, my hundreds of calls were not answered. The office is locked with a sign stating they will be closed for two days. Its been 14 days and the sign is still there but the office is still closed. I have consulted the Doha bank branch manager whose branch the checks originated from. Apparently many other people were given checks for either services or products and they all bounced. Also many individuals are owed from 500.000 to 800.000 riyals by this company. I have visited the Capital Police department and started the legal process. As of now the person who signed the check and the employee who bought the laptop from me are under arrest warrants in Qatar. Furthermore interpol bulletins will also be issued in case these individuals left Qatar for India, which is where they are from.
If anyone is contacted by Mamzar Trading Co for any business enquiries please be aware that it is a company doing illegal business and is under arrest warrants for its employees.
Thank you
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We also got cheated by Mamzar Trading. We have a bounced chq of QR.5000/- + unpaid invoice of QR. 4757/-. We are all trying to hunt this cheaters.
i have been informed that the Qatari Foreign Ministry has contacted India for the return of this individual to Qatar for criminal prosecution and arrest. This individual, Basheer Majeed has laundered and stolen hundreds of thousands of Riyals from many people. By god's will he will pay for his crimes.
70171915 is my mobile. You can call me tomorrow (2.10.2012)
dear this company cheated us on 43000 riyal cheque.The owner name is Basheer Majeed, Qatari ID # 27635631840. He is an Indian with Indian passport number H6937610. Could you advice me the steps you have taken in this case. Or else please provide me your mobile number, i will call you.
Thanks in advance.
Already did those. He is out of the country. The sponsor will pay the debt. The bank closed the account without consulting the payees. Therefore I sued the bank for damages. Police stated bank is guilty and illegal action was taken by the branch administration.
You should go back to the bank and ask for the ID of the signing authority of the checking account. Once you get that information with a statement from the bank of insufficient funds, go to the capital police check section and file a case. They will in turn put a travel ban on him and force him to resolve the matter
well even if i give you their numbers they wont answer the phone. i am going to their office tomorrow with the police and the office door will be broken. Any property that I gave them in return for my money will be taken by the police and given to me.
sir I am also cheated from he I sold to him laptop 1700 Riyal
but I am a reseller I am not saleryd parson only for commistion
I also Indian sir any thing have Indian contact number pls...give me I will to tray to find my 1700 same as 17000
pls.. any infom this man 0097433987004
In Qatar: cash, guys. NEVER, EVER accept a check! Or suffer.
Cheque, thanks for the clarification but check is also used in some english-speaking countries. As for accepting a check: you go to a registered company with a registered office. You are welcomed by a staff member who looks legit. I asked for cash but they gave me a check. Yes I shouldnt have accepted but hey! How could I have known. I trusted them. Its not my fault that I did...
my aunt also has been victimized by this company... all she has is the LPO from the company with the seal, and the cheque... let me know what are the steps you make in order to file a case...
wHOAAAAAA.....the culprit around qatar strikes again!
i just want to know what went through your mind when you accepted a check?